> If CO2 is driving the warming of the planet, why have global temperatures been flat for 16 years?

If CO2 is driving the warming of the planet, why have global temperatures been flat for 16 years?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Because mankind and the co2 it produces are so evil that the heat is hiding in fear for it's life, in desperation the heat has developed star trek transporter technology and beamed itself into the deep ocean, it's status is now officially classed as 'missing' in action.

Edit Can people please stop lying about this ten warmest years nonsense. Before history was rewritten and the figures were fiddled the warmest year was 1934 and five of the ten warmest years were between 1920 and 1963, there was then a little cooling which prompted the global cooing scare of the 70's

None of the above is true, but aside from that excess atmospheric heat goes to melt ice and warm seawater. This is why when you put warm beer in your ice chest the beer get cold and the ice melts.

Big Gryph, what you said makes no sense. If the mean temperature has been flat, then temperatures are flat. It is the annual temperature means that have been flat for some fifteen years now. You have things backwards. When you say that temperatures are not flat because we have X of the warmest Y years, what you are saying is that temperatures only become flat if things get COLDER until the temperature has returned to the long-term mean. Temperatures got warmer, and then they stopped getting warmer.

I am not 100% sure, but I heard somewhere when the temperature stays flat for around 15 years the climate is going to shift to the opposite of what it was before the 15 years. I don't know if that is true, but I do know 2013 is cooler than 2012, and al gore even said "If you thought 2012 was hot, just wait until 2013" and 2013 is here and it has been chilly all year, everywhere. I personally think the flat temperatures is a transition from warm to cold.


Why do the Warmunists deny that CO2 lags temperature in the ice core data by as much as 800 years?

Your comment about Arctic ice thickness is a flat out lie, so right off the bat we know what kind of person you are. You lack integrity and are not deserving of time here. As has been continually noted here, climate change deniers are always liars. There is no such thing as a denier with personal integrity. You have proved that again.

For people who value honesty and actual scientific research, Arctic ice actually remains near record thinness. You don't have to take my word that the asker hates honesty, check the research yourself.


As to the so called pause, the asker is referring only to the troposphere whereas honest and educated people understand that the oceans uptake 90% of global warming and they continue to warm. The warming of the oceans has been measured, and sea level is measured by satellite. The oceans are rising due to melting ice and to expansion because of warming. It is not that hard.

This so called question is one more proof that climate change deniers are always either dishonest or uneducated.

Temps have not been flat in fact 12 of the warmest yearly global temps on record have occurred within the last 15 years. You DA deniers need to locate the original source of the info and actually read it. The only thing that has been flat is the MEAN temperature. It takes of many, many years record temps to raise the mean temp.

Your denier sources are taking one bit of info and bastardizing it into a totally different fact which is untrue and unsupported

Wake up and smell the climate

Arctic ice record expansion just means that there was a record melt last year, and it recovered. It is not a record level of ice, and instead is below average.

Actually, no. None of your links are reliable science sources.

have a look at ocean temperatures.

BTW, "Arctic sea ice is at near-record thickness" is a flat out lie.

Adding onto Baccheus's excellent rebuttal are the following links from actual sources, not blogs or news articles.





Not only that, but Arctic sea ice is at near-record thickness, near-record areal expansion, and the Arctic is having a record cold summer. Couple that with a nonexistent Atlantic hurricane season this year, and "global warming" sinks like a stone, does it not?