> Humans: the real threat to life on Earth?

Humans: the real threat to life on Earth?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Even if we knock down every tree on Earth down there will still be enough oxygen to live on. After all most of the oxygen comes from sea plants.

I don't think the population level rising will be Earths problem but more so the type of humans living on this planet and the decisions they make.

Most modern western countries are actually losing population. So all we really need to do is spread capitalism around the world and the poor countries will become richer, more stable and stop their population increase. The worst thing to do is spread socialism, which always leads to increased poverty and greater population.

Humans are the biggest threat that our Mother Nature has ever seen since its birth :)

Stupid humans are a threat to life on Earth. Why is this a question?

Now imagine what would happen with Japan they have to live up a trees o.o

Life on earth will continue.

HUMAN life on earth might not.

Nature is our nemesis (You might say, The God of this world)

The dead bury their own dead.

Follow your Shepard.

"If population levels continue to rise at the current rate, our grandchildren will see the Earth plunged into an unprecedented environmental crisis, argues computational scientist Stephen Emmott in this extract from his book Ten Billion" http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2013/jun/30/population-growth-wipe-out-life-earth

The supporting data from the book: http://www.buzzfeed.com/lukelewis/13-graphs-that-suggest-the-planet-might-be-totally-screwed

Science at its finest?