> Has any climatologist ever claimed that global warming causes record cold?

Has any climatologist ever claimed that global warming causes record cold?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I think some journalists have said essentially that. Not aware of any bonafide climate scientist claiming more than record cold being one (and certainly not the most likely) possible result of increased extremes of weather, and that some forms of increased weather variability are thought (not proven, this is an area of GENUINE uncertainty in the science too nuanced for YA low-level liar-deniers to bother trying to understand) to be exacerbated by long term AGW.

EDIT: Displaying the customary careful skill of the YA anti-science crowd, Kano's three purported examples are nothing of the sort. His first link is to a quote utterly the opposite of what he claims. The second and third links lead to pieces clearly avoiding making any direct attribution of current weather to long term climate change.

Link2: "no one can say with certainty that climate change caused this 'deep freeze.' ”

Link3: "dramatic weather events...have a complex relationship to climate, and our understanding of this relationship is limited."

Well John Holdren is the national science advisor to the USA so you'd think he would give accurate statements: http://www.examiner.com/article/white-ho...

Either he got that advice from his top climate scientists, or he makes stuff up on his own. Take your pick.

It can. Global warming traps more heat in the atmosphere, which causes more extreme weather. This means hotter summers, colder winters, and more crazy storms all year round. That's why most climate scientists prefer the term "global climate change," since global warming is a misnomer. But, over the long run, it will get much warmer.


What is the temperature of the Planet suppose to be at this point in time?

1C cooler?

The belief in "evolution" requires any atmospheric changes to be normal along with any other "natural" changes, so what's your beef?

What does Michael Mann have to say?


Global Warming ended in 2012, confirmed by our satelite reports 11/28/2012 that ice accumulation started on different parts of earth. Mike

Yes Climatologist Cliff Harris, is blaming the present cold on climate change


Dr Jennifer Francis of Rutger university http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0SO8wKkL...

Along with Donald Wuebbles, Nielson Gammon and Andrew Freedman http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0SO8wriL...

There is no condition occuring that is not being attributed to extra CO2 in the ever changing ever expanding book of warmon.