> Global warming in Alaska?

Global warming in Alaska?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Here's what the US government has to say about it. http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/impacts...

Here's what Alaska's state government has to say about it http://www.climatechange.alaska.gov/

Watch these, you will be amazed.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Well, as Alaska is very cold, we can expect more global warming to hit there, especailly in winter and at night.

If you are learning the English language, learn the word 'global'. Just Alaska is not 'global'. It is Alaska or local not global, by any means.

I put "Global Warming in Alaska" into Google and got "about 23,300,000 results in 0.22 seconds.

You might want to try that.

You're welcome plenty.

Erica (from Florida).

Hello !

I 'm French native speaker. I 'm learning English and I have an homework over the global warming in Alaska. If you have some documents on this topic, could you please give me the references ? Or could you send to me the article, or the pictures or the (little video...) ?

Thank you very much !

Claire ( from Belgium)