> Global change and air pollution question?

Global change and air pollution question?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The community should be encouraged to apply the 3 R's: Reduce Recycle Reuse.

● Unnecessary benefits could be reduced. If a rebate is given by the government, perhaps it is time to introduce a 'means test' so that only those who are really in need, receive the rebate.

● The use of fuel could be reduced by encouraging people to use buses and trains rather than their private cars to go to work.They can also form small groups and take it in turn to use one car instead of 3 or 4.

● Used clothes, kitchen ware, furniture that is still in good condition, should be donated to Charity Institutions or given to poorer families, rather than scrapped completely.

● Carton boxes, PET shopping bags, wooden crates etc should be stored and used a second time.

● Use of recycle bins should be compulsory for one and all.

● Design of new buildings should take in consideration heating and cooling.

● Use of PV and IR solar panels, and wind turbines should be encouraged.

● Teach the people how to produce their own compost and how to reduce wasted food.

● Activities and publications for Educators and Students should be increased.

● Reduce emission of CFC's.

● Avoid big open fires.

● Keep cars in proper working conditions - catalytic filters should be made compulsory.

● People should be educated to use water more wisely.

The list is endless......

Air pollution changes our planet’s climate, but not all types of air pollution have the same effect. There are many different types of air pollution. Some types cause global warming to speed up. Others cause global warming to slow down by creating a temporary cooling effect for a few days or weeks. Read on the learn more about the pollution that causes Earth to warm and the pollution that causes Earth to cool.

Some air pollutants cause more global warming

Air pollution includes greenhouse gases. One of these is carbon dioxide, a common part of the exhaust from cars and trucks. Greenhouse gases cause global warming by trapping heat from the Sun in the Earth’s atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are a natural part of Earth’s atmosphere, but in the last 150 years or so, the amount in our atmosphere has increased. The increase comes from car exhaust and pollutants released from smokestacks at factories and power plants. The increase in greenhouses gases is the cause of most of the global warming that happened over the past century. Scientists predict that much more warming will likely happen during the next century.

Air pollution is not so severe nowadays there have been many clean air acts which have cleaned up a lot, I remember the time in London when thousands would die of lung conditions because of London smog, and all the buildings were black with soot, now it is much cleaner.

It really comes down to are we willing to sacrifice and give up vehicles or put up with some air pollution.

a government is what destroyed nature we can't look to a government to fix the problem. live with nature, stop destroying it end of story. this is the ONLY way. older civilizations were smarter than us in a way. we have technology but destroy our bodies and the planet. they didn't care about technology not because they were too dumb to advance, but because they were in tune with nature, they knew what would come of civilization like this, it's not hard to see. you destroy nature, nature destroys you. you don't really think we can win that battle do you? us against the earth? we have to set up our civilizations around how the planet works, not change the planet to suit the civilizations and production we want to have. the population is increasing, we are not getting rid of any cities, we are building more. we are producing more, consuming more, all which takes away resources and energy from the planet. we must change COMPLETELY in the way we operate as a society, or keep going where we are going and play it out see how that works, lol. like i said, we came FROM the earth, now we want to take over and go AGAINST the earth, while we are still living here? get real there's nothing we can do if the earth wants to cleanse itself of us, the parasites. they say mars used to look just like earth, hmm i wonder what happened? someone probably thought they could own the planet and they had to learn the hard way. until we have technology to protect ourselves from tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, etc.. we aren't winning this battle so let's throw in the towel and get back to nature, were we came from.. it's not just for the sake of the planet either, we would all be much happier, in our natural habitat. the world we live in right now is completely unnatural, against nature. and we've only lived like this for a few thousand years.. meaning we have NOT evolved to this lifestyle which is obvious as disease is at an all time high, mental disorders, suicides, war, etc.. we are all out of balance it's not just the planet.. hope i helped.

If you were a member of government in a city, what would be some policies that you might try to pass to ameliorate some of the air pollution problems that are leading to global change?

What might be some things that individual citizens could do to help some of the issues associated with severe air pollution?