> From reports in the media, what do you feel the certainty of global warming issues are?

From reports in the media, what do you feel the certainty of global warming issues are?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I don't really believe what I hear and read in the media. Mostly it is presented by journalists trying to sell a story. I am quite certain that their certainty is certainly exaggerated. They haven't even proved linear warming.

It is possible that higher temperatures will lead to some of those things you listed. If that is the case, then they still need to prove that our CO2 is resulting in enough of that increase to cause the changes. Then they need to find a way to get China, India, and others to slow their CO2 emissions. Otherwise, it is pointless to pretend to have a solution IMO.

I guess I am going to have to go with a 0.531

Edit: Well I think the media wants to portray a 100% certainty, at least the vast majority of it. That would be a big fat 10.

I studied this at university for 5 years. I can happly tell you, you have nothing to worry about. Most people who comment on the subject have no grasp of planetary science and feed each other's paranoia.... The plant has 58million years ago was between 3000-4000 parts per million (ppm) co2 and the temperature was thought to be the same as today's climate or possible 2 degrees warmer there still uncertain. Are ppm today is 300 people are stressing because it might rise to 350 in the next 100 years! I would worry about it, a large volcanic europtions can cause a rise of 50ppm on it's own, nothing to do with driving cars...it's all tax and making people feel guilty, the new world religion!

I would say a "5". Too many factors affect the occurrence of hurricanes and tornadoes. Droughts have been happening since when? Ever hear of the Dust Bowl? Tornadoes arise from severe weather which arises from the clash of cool, dry, air with warm, moist, air.

More than 95 percent of scientists in relevant fields agree with climate change. And almost 100% of chronoecologists.

State run Media its bogus news to scare people

2 - possibly, the data show it could possibly occur

is my vote.

I have 0.5% trust in what the media says

The reports in the media sugest "yes," but a better examination of the data strongly suggests otherwise.

From what you hear in the media:

How certain are scientists that AGW is causing droughts in California?




Will cause much greater than linear warming?

Will cause severe weather?

Will cause 10s of millions and perhaps billions of deaths?

In other words, from your impression of how the media reports the findings, try this 10 point scale:

0 - No idea if it will or will not

2 - possibly, the data show it could possibly occur

5 - Likely

8 - Very little doubt, it will occur

10 - Will occur with no question