> Even though record low temps out numbered record highs by a 2:1 ratio, NASA is still going to claim that 2014 was the ho

Even though record low temps out numbered record highs by a 2:1 ratio, NASA is still going to claim that 2014 was the ho

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If this because NASA uses 'Mike's Nature Trick' to 'hide the decline' or creative filtering?

Back in the good old days it used to be called the "warmest" year on record. Now it's the "hottest" year on record. That should give you a clue as to the "why" part of all this.

And the record is likely going to be by about 0.01 or 0.02C. It's been 4 years since the last record year so I calculate a warming trend of 0.05C/decade. There is clear scientific evidence that these numbers mean the human race will be extinct by 2100.

Even if they claim hottest year on record, it would still be a very small warming trend. Since 1998, less than a tenth of a degree in 16 years.

NASA is neck deep into this SCAM and now that part of their funding comes from so called global warming research I'm sure they feel justified in making these ridiculous claims --- no matter how much they need to 'adjust' the data.

But it's sad that NASA's once pristine reputation is now in the toilet.


Someone is changing the category on your questions Dr. Jello. You should look them over and change them back.


USA is only 2% of Earth's surface.

No, it's because you're a moron

nice trick.. compare usa records with entire planet average..

If this because NASA uses 'Mike's Nature Trick' to 'hide the decline' or creative filtering?