> Do you think Yahoo should ban people who don't believe in so-called "global warming"?

Do you think Yahoo should ban people who don't believe in so-called "global warming"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No my good doctor, Google does NOT ban people from their site that don't believe in so called Global Warming, that's just what the headline implied. In the article that gave you that impression (I think I know the article you are referring to) Google just stopped giving support to a group called ALEC which is skeptical of man-made Global Warming.

Google will stop supporting climate change science deniers, calls them liars


So Google, to my knowledge is not banning skeptics from using any Google service. That being said, I'm a free enterprise kind of guy and I think the private companies of Google and Yahoo should do whatever they want.

But if those companies deny services to Skeptics, then they will have to admit they are enemies of free speech.


uneducated ppl will always believe in the hoax of climate warming when the scientists agree it's cooling. for the last 20 yrs we've been on a cooling trend but ever changing is the steady constant of weather. man can do nothing to change the climate.

Almost every day global warming is proven to be false. Sure, it warms one day then cools the next. It's called a cycle.

If Yahoo started banning people for there beliefs then Yahoo Answers would be nonexistent.

After they ban you for being a Fascist.

no. some deniers are really entertaining

Google bans people from their site if you don't accept their beliefs about global warming. Should Yahoo! do the same? Doesn't it get you mad that so many skeptics, deniers, and republicans can get on this board and say any lie they want to? Everyone knows that so-called "global warming" is real because a majority of scientists say it's real. What more proof does anyone need?