> Will thousands die if we don’t pay the UN enough money?

Will thousands die if we don’t pay the UN enough money?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It is time to disband the UN. They are a useless, expensive joke.


The UN was created with good intent but it has never fulfilled that promise. Consequently, it has filled with bureaucrats whose main expertise is in empire building and power seeking. They are currently on a money seeking exercise to extract a few billion from the rich countries - ostensibly to give to the poor.

Australia has recently decided to give it directly to the poor cutting out the middleman and the UN is up in arms about it. How will they get their rake-off if everyone were to do that?

In a money-making enterprise that relies on people wanting their goods or services, the management is constantly on guard for people that are costing money but are not contributing to the bottom line. The UN, on the other hand, does not have to worry about that. It can be as wasteful as it likes and if the work it does hinders those with a proper job then that is just tough.

In a poor society everyone needs to work just to stay alive. In a rich society, people have time to spend on leisure activities. Some people feel guilty if their lives are "too good" and some people are bored so they look for "useful" things to do. These people gravitate towards organisations which do no useful work - particularly if they are able to reward with power or money or both.

I sometimes wonder if this is why empires never last and civilisations fail after a period. They get to a stage where people have too much spare time in which they can cause damage.

Sounds a lot like their pronouncement of 50 million climate refugees by the year 2010, Oh how they tried to cover that up, but internet archives wont let them get away with it.

The deaths from natural disasters are near all time lows, food production is at all time highs. This doesn't quite fit the CAGW narrative. I hate alarmists, they are a useless bunch wasting billions of dollars on idiotic green schemes.

"Millions of people die each year because they don't have access to clean water? Who cares? After the 10 thousandth time we've upward adjusted temperatures, the world is 0.00000001 C warmer than it was in 1998. That is serious."

This is what the Climate-Change Mafia want you to beleive.

"The UN Department of Pointless Statistics tells us that 250,000 extra people will die every year from 2030 – 2050 because of climate change. This is assuming that the climate models which have never worked, start to, and that people behave like gladioli, staying put, not building walls, farms or inventing better gladioli homes. It also assumes that a 60% increase global atmospheric plant fertilizer will make no difference to crops."


