> Do 97% of all global warming scientists believe in global warming? Or is the number actually much lower?

Do 97% of all global warming scientists believe in global warming? Or is the number actually much lower?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
97% sounds like something someone say and it was just accepted as fact without any objective evidence. Is the 97% actually correct, or is the number much lower, like around 62%

There is no 'belief'. The data speaks for itself. There may be some degree of full acceptance of certain data points, but there are so many data points that to say 'it ain't happening' is just plain dumb. ALL of the data, the science and the physics of heat and atmosphere point ONLY in one direction... the Earth is retaining more solar heat than escapes into outer space in any given 24 hour period. While it's true that little of this heat energy stays in the atmosphere, most of it goes to warm seawater and to melt ice...that data is solid. Going from 286ppm of CO2 prior to the Industrial Revolution beginning in the early 19th century to close to 400ppm of CO2 in the early 21st century, and the heat retention such a jump has made, says it all. ALL off this extra CO2 comes from the burning of fossil fuels, and now methane releases from the world's tundra areas and ocean floors is getting into the act. Only a few dead enders are left who refuse to accept the data. The facts speak for themselves.

Much, much lower.

According to a recent Purdue University Survey only 50% of scientists blame human activity for so called man-made Global Warming --- and if the truth is known --- that number is probably way too high also.


'While 90 percent of scientists and climatologists surveyed thought the climate was changing, only about 50.4 percent contended that humans were the primary cause of these changes. More shocking was that just 53 percent of climatologists surveyed thought “Climate change is occurring, and it is caused mostly by human activities.” While that number of climatologists was small, the result is still significant.'


If there ever was a consensus, this article provides numerous links and information to show that it died in 2008. http://www.epw.senate.gov/public/index.c...


Also here is an article from Forbes about a peer-reviewed study:

Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis



There have been lots of "97% surveys". To me, the fact that they all get the same answer is a warning flag.

The American Meteorological Society surveyed their own members and found that only 52% were in full agreement with "the consensus". Remember that the next time someone publishes a list of the institutions that support the consensus view.

There are now at least 97 papers debunking the 97%: http://www.populartechnology.net/2014/12...

Denialists love to talk about John Cook when talking about the 97% of climatologists who accept AGW, as if he were the only source.




It is much lower. What they do is poll scientists if they believe our CO2 emissions have added to the warming (no matter how miniscule the amount) and then suggest that these scientist believe humans have caused all the warming and it is catastrophic. That is what 97% of alarmists do anyway.

this figure has come about in several ways. Cook published it in Environmental Research Letters, 2013. He looked at 11,944 abstracts of papers on the climate. Of those, 41 papers expressed an opinion. I guess 40 papers explicity supported the AGW hypothesis on one rejected it. One in 40 is 2.5% which rounds up to 3%.

The figure has been debunked numerous times, but alarmists still love to bring it up.

yes. likly higher

97% sounds like something someone say and it was just accepted as fact without any objective evidence. Is the 97% actually correct, or is the number much lower, like around 62%