> Can you see what happen to the green movement when they get their toe in the door?

Can you see what happen to the green movement when they get their toe in the door?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Just like the true scientists on this site said.

AS always, Carl Marx (aka Grungo) and Svante Arrhenius (aka Climate Realist) live on through the eyes of alarmists (Elvis must be alive somewhere then). They just changed their names and call it "EVOLUTION". Marx and Arrhenius were both BIG GOVERNMENT idealists.

Freedom to them only means "freedom to take" whatever they can through Governmental "FORCE"!

I doubt that they'll ever really understand their suppressive ways. Maybe it's good that they "try" to imprison people with their proposed controls. The "many" of the suppressed will eventually be forced into a revolt or die (or imprisoned). History seems to always repeat itself when BIG GOVERNMENTS try and force their will on what they think are a weaker opponent.

Obama seams to think he knows how to gain power (by taking), but he is only causing strife with his arrogance. (Kind of reminds me of the many alarmists here at Y/A. If you don't agree, you're accused of holding up their progress. They become dishonest when they are claiming to do this in the name of 'saving the people and the planet'). These people are nothing less than oppressive with their idealism.

Kano is right, the climate SCAM has always been about raising our taxes and destroying our liberties. It's never been about the planet or the environment or so called man-made Global Warming or the little furry creatures. It's all about money and power and wealth redistribution to benefit the elites behind this SCAM.


Environmentalism is a religion, and they are implementing the green religious agenda.

It has always been about a power grab, never about the environment.

I always wonder after reading your links, how come we are the 'alarmists' and you lot are the 'skeptics'?

It seems to me that it is exactly the other way round and articles at Breitbart.com only confirm that.

Obama must have a time machine. Svante Arrhenius died in 1927.


Barack Obama wasn't born until 1961.




Just like the true scientists on this site said.