> Who is responsible for global warming ?

Who is responsible for global warming ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
A few person is responsible for global warming

Every one is responsible for global warming

The international community cannot even agree on whether human activities contribute to global warming, let alone how to manage it. This situation calls to mind the Biblical truth: “It does not belong to man . . . even to direct his step.” (Jeremiah 10:23).

Many industrialized countries continue to pump ever more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. According to an editorial in the journal Science, procrastinating on emissions reduction “is like refusing medication for a developing infection: It guarantees that greater costs will have to be paid later.”

Scientific American raised this intriguing question. It predicted that global warming “will expand the incidence and distribution of many serious medical disorders.” For example, in some places “the number of deaths related to heat waves is projected to double by 2020.”

Less obvious is the role global warming could play in infectious disease. “Mosquito-borne disorders are projected to become increasingly prevalent,” since mosquitoes “proliferate faster and bite more as the air becomes warmer. . . . As whole areas heat up, then, mosquitoes could expand into formerly forbidden territories, bringing illness with them.”

NOBODY --- because it does not exist. It is a global SCAM to tax you more.

There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.

Every single human being who ever lived... Everyone has some sort of effect on something that will contribute. If a kid is born to a family who don't use electricity or any sort of thing that will produce greenhouse gases, that kid's still going to go to a cafe and have them make him a coffee or something. If everyone starts trying to solve global warming, it will be solved. If nobody tries, we'll all die a horrible painful death (huzzah humankind)

The idea or concept of man-made global warming is one big scam - just as is political correctness - both ideas come from the same Communist source.

I heard one so called scientist, a woman in her 30s say in a loud clear voice, "The River Thames has not frozen over since 1814." Wrong. It has and it did so back in c1963 - I know, because I was there then age 22 (b1941).


The global warming freaks make me laugh - most of them are only in their 30s and don't have a clue about what was happening in the 1960s - they were not here.

I accept the idea of 'climate change' which is a force of nature and nothing we can do about it. We've all been there - at least, our ancient ancestors were there - the last Ice Age was about 12,000 years ago. No one knows when the next one is due.

The argument against all these idiots who babble on about climate change is that weather records only go back for about 200 years. What happened before then is a blank.

The only informed information we do have was that collected by Daniel Defoe who wrote a book about the great storm here in UK.


Let's make smoke

All developed countries are responsible for global warming mostly.

No one. Global Warming is a myth created by the Left.

Ahhh, the games deniers like to play, Maxx tells you it has not warmed in 18 years (and 1 month) according to a plot he took from lord Mockingtones own denial website. O.K. Mockingtones trick first, he has used as his starting point 1997, both 1997 and 1998 where much warmer than the years before or after them because of record El Nino, these are the types of childish tricks denier like to play.

Go back to 1995 (which was at the time the warmest year on record) and this denier sham starts to fall apart


No flat line but a strong upward rise, run this back to 1990 and it's the same


Then he posts a link to that tired old denier fall back of the GGWS documentary, a documentary that quoted scientists out of context, one even threatened to sue if his content was not removed (and his content was removed) This documentary used a quite similar tactic to Mockingtone in that one of the key diagrams deliberately left out almost a decade of data to also give the impression of no warming.

All this denier hype doesn't change the fact that 9 or the 10 warmest years in the modern record happened since 2002 http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/201...

And given how warm 2014 has been it is now almost certainly going to be near the very top of this list (if not the warmest year on record)

Which is why you see so many empty claims about gore or conspiracies, rather than science from deniers, because they have no science to post.

The above list shows just 3 years from the early 2000's, 2002, 2003 and 2004.

Deniers seem to like to try and play at statistics, how does their theory of cooling stack up if we lose 2004 at the end of the year, then you will have only 1998, 2002 and 2003 all the rest will be 2005 or later.

i.e. 7 of the 10 warmest years will have occurred in the last 9 years. But then denier also tried to ignore the fact that even recent cooler years like 2012 and 2011 where in fact warmer than a year like 1995 which was the time the warmest year on record. If that trend continues then in another 16 years, we will see cooler years, routinely warmer than years like 2010 (or 1998). But then deniers still try to claim we have cooled since 1998 yet it has fallen to 3rd warmest and at the end of this year is highly likely to drop to 4th warmest.

Deniers world of make believe and blog fiction is coming to an end.

No one. Global Warming is a myth created by the Left.

Every one is responsible for global warming

No one. Global Warming is a myth created by the Left.

nobody global warming has been around for many years we just make it worse but were not responsible

It's Bush's fault.

It is us. We contribute to global warming.



According to my Global Teams from all walks of life that ran my experiments at the true site. They described it as a ALIEN Organism. One other item. The only way this exact spot where it was located to only weaken the ozone in only iced areas was outside the ozone as our planet rotated. Mike


Our ways are responsible for global warming.If we want change and reverse the process , we need to change as a collective consciousness. And we can only change collectively, when each of us becomes consious of his/ her own ways.


the entire humanity (post 1950) after industrial revolution

we all are responsible

human beings are responsible for global warming

Mother Nature and the ever changing world. The earth ha been under going climate change ever since this old blue ball solidified. We have had periods of extreme heat and cold long before man ever stood upright.

Many in this world today saw the opportunity to finance studies and to make handsome profits. Take al Gore he enhanced the Gore fortunes hyping GW When he lived in Tenn. his household was the largest non commercial user in the entire TVA. He Drove gas gusler vehicles and flew all over the world in a carbon emitting private jet

Development of science and technology is responsible for global warming.

Actually our greed and way of living is the main reason for global warming



Honestly, I think you are responsible. Look at yourself!

Al Gore