> Are summers warmer than winters because of global warming ?

Are summers warmer than winters because of global warming ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No, they're warmer due to the tilt of the earth. Think of a magnifying glass, if the sunlight is hitting our atmosphere at an angle then you're not getting the full Force of the heat. That's why it can be sunny but freezing cold

Summer has always been warmer than winter. Snow, frost, and ice are very cold and some places can get up to -20 degrees Fahrenheit and that is just what happens in Winter.

No, the seasons happen because of this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axial_tilt#...

Note that the Earth's axis is ALWAYS pointed in the same direction all the way around the orbit of the Sun. So that means that the Northern Hemisphere gets more direct sunlight on one side of the orbit and the Southern Hemisphere gets more direct sunlight on the opposite side of the orbit.

When it's summer in the Norther Hemisphere it's Winter in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa.

It's the angle the sunlight enters the atmosphere that makes the difference and gives us the four seasons. But of course it doesn't change much at the equator because on either side of the orbit the equator gets fairly direct sunlight. That's also why you have a constantly warm climate on or near the equator.


Some people here are gullible enough to think that if a few people believe that "summers are warmer than winters because of global warming" then a century of climate science must be a hoax. But, most anti-science posters, even here, find less stupid tricks and deceptions to copy-paste.

Climate change and the IPCC predict warmer winters due to global warming, it seems they might have got that wrong.

Well Sagebrush believes summers are warmer than winters because the planet is closer to the Sun in the summer than the winter. And Sagebrush is always right. Right?

Cause of tilt

You really are that stupid