> 10 facts about global warming and climate change?

10 facts about global warming and climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Basic facts about how our planet is changing,I also have to do and illustration so any ideas of what I could draw next to the fact please comment! Help...

Harley Drive is right, you can verify it from top scientists in the videos below.

By the way, Al Gore's movie was pure political alarmism and did not feature a single climate scientist. The videos below have climate scientists that are speaking the truth about the man-made Global Warming SCAM.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

1. 90% of the global warming has been caused by human factors since 1950. This data was just released by the UN in a recent report on climate change. This panel studied the main components of climate change to determine that humans had caused the majority of the climate change.

2. The hottest decade spanned from 2000-2009. During this 10-year time period, the temperature was a degree hotter than in 1970. While this may seem like a small amount, even a small temperature increase is significant in global matters.

3. Global warming facts,the year 2011 saw the most CO2 dumping at the rate of about 1000 tons/second into the air. Factories were the highest causes of CO2 emissions. The numbers for 2012 are also expected to be high.

4. The sea level has risen approximately 1 inch. Scientists predict that at the current rate, the sea level rising will become a serious problem by the year 2100.

5. China is a worse offender than the US in CO2 emissions. They emit about 40% more CO2 than the US currently. Since China is known for their factories and as a major producer of goods, lowering their amount of emissions has been uneffective so far.

6. The CO2 level is currently the highest it’s been in 650,000 years. There has been an 11% increase since 1950. The rate at which CO2 is rising is cause for concern for many scientists and other people in the environmental field.

7. Climate change has had a huge change on the earth. For example, when earth was only 9 degrees cooler, the ice over New York City was over 2000 feet thick. There is a chance that the Earth will be 9 degrees hotter by 2100. This change would have a huge impact on the current landmass.

8. Global warming facts, Reducing the CO2 emissions by 20% would be incredibly cheap and only cost about 16 cents per person every day. By taxing companies that produce large CO2 emissions, this would encourage lessening of the emissions.

9. One of the largest obstacles to climate change strategies is that the US and China must cooperate. If these two countries are able to band together and start setting an example with climate change, Europe, Japan, India, and Australia would also go along with the policies set and begin changing their methods as well.

10. The current tactics are not working. Unfortunately, caps are usually being given to some of the poorest countries instead of trying to cap emissions in wealthier countries that produce more emissions. Caps are not also the only way to counteract climate change. There needs to be a reform in the way that scientists approach the public with climate change and the way that countries view environmental policy.

Just to respond to Harley's drivel above:

1) there is no global warming

Yes, there is. It has been measured by land, sea, air, and space based systems in recent times. It has been indicated by global temperature records over the past century. It has been indicated in proxy records such as analysis of tree rings, soil samples, etc. It has resulted in the thinning arctic ice, northerly advance of treelines, and increased glacial melt. There is no doubt that our planet has been warming.

2) all the data on which the global warming myth was based was faked by the climatic research unit at the university of east anglia in Norwich

One university can hardly pull the wool over the eyes of researchers around the world. What about all the other researchers, globally, that are investigating the same thing? The Climategate was a storm in a teacup and several independent bodies failed to find the type of 'faking' you insist on. With no evidence.

3)climatic change is cyclic , in roman times grapes could be grown as far north as birmingham (very warm)

The fact that my flat was warmer in the summer than it is now does not mean the current warming of my flat isn't caused by my radiators. The fact that the climate was warmer/cooler in the past doesn't tell us anything about what is causing the current warming.

4) in the 16th and 17 th century the river thames froze over in october/november and didn't thaw until april, it was used as a highway and shops and markets were established ON the frozen river

See above.

5) the sun is 1 million times the size of the earth, all the people on the earth now could fit easily in england and comprise one 3 billionth of the mass of the earth which do you think would have more effect on planet temperature

The sun does affect the earth's temperature. But the moon is the same distance from the sun as the earth and shows no significant warming. The earth was observed to warm when the sun activity was low. And we have satellites and ground based solar cells looking at the sun. It's not the sun that is causing the current warming trend.

6)the oceans and planet rotation moderates the planetary temperatures

They do. But that doesn't tell us what happens when you pump an additional 30 billion tonnes of CO2 into the sky every year, which is a rate faster than the natural processes of our planet can scrub it from the atmosphere.

7) plants and vegetation depend on carbon dioxide for growth more carbon dioxide should increase growth

Plants also love water, so why did they die when I over-watered them? Plants need more than just CO2, so increasing CO2 while drying soil, increasing the temperature, and changing rainfall patterns makes it slightly more complicated than you'd like.

8) so called scientist who make their living from climatic research depend on grants and sponsorship for money , if they don't find a problem or a change they don't get money

This is the most ridiculous argument of the lot. Scientists put in a proposal. That proposal is screened by public bodies. They award money for specific research. They don't award it after the conclusion of the study has been reached. So why would scientists agree?

1) there is no global warming

2) all the data on which the global warming myth was based was faked by the climatic research unit at the university of east anglia in norwich

3)climatic change is cyclic , in roman times grapes could be grown as far north as birmingham ( very warm)

4) in the 16th and 17 th century the river thames froze over in october/november and didn't thaw until april, it was used as a highway and shops and markets were established ON the frozen river

5) the sun is 1 million times the size of the earth, all the people on the earth now could fit easily in england and comprise one 3 billionth of the mass of the earth which do you think would have more effect on planet temperature

6)the oceans and planet rotation moderates the planetary temperatures

7) plants and vegetation depend on carbon dioxide for growth more carbon dioxide should increase growth

8) so called scientist who make their living from climatic research depend on grants and sponsorship for money , if they don't find a problem or a change they don't get money

1.) there is global warming

2.) there is also Natural earth climate change

3.) global warming is speeding up this Natural change faster then species can adapt to it

4.) this Natural change would not be harmful if it wasn't for global warming


Harley Drive on gave 8. Here are his other two:

9. Harley Drive is a scientifically illiterate nitwit.

10. Harley Drive is too stupid to know how stupid he is.


jim z --

Facts are abundant - theories are few (as it should be). You should learn the definition of a scientific theory. In fact, a class in general science wouldn't hurt, either.


Maxx --

>>By the way, Al Gore's movie was pure political alarmism and did not feature a single climate scientist. <<

By the way - by your own criteria - since you are not a scientist, you should take your own advice, quit spewing political alarmism and STFU.

Undisputed facts are few and far between. Theories are abundant however.

Think of another way to raise taxes.

Basic facts about how our planet is changing,I also have to do and illustration so any ideas of what I could draw next to the fact please comment! Help...