> End of the World 2020?

End of the World 2020?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Nowadays,global warming is the best challenge for us .And the statement that The end of the world is the fallacy. The things we can do is to increase the protection of the environment.

The Mayans had a lot to say about time. We have a certain hubris to think that we know all there is to know.

However they had at least 17 different calendars. Just one ended on a certain date. If you have even the smallest understanding of popular media today it may come to you that sensational news sells better than something that requires some understanding. And so when we put our modern touch on an ancient system understanding will be very hard to find. It is not likely to be found in shifting a few of our modern calendar dates around to try and match a date in one of 17 calendars.

Rather the Mayans were discussing a transition. A period that started in the 1980's and will continue to a few decades from now. If you look up from your calendar dates and look around, you might get a sense of this. Satellites, Computers, media, and the internet have all changed our world in the same way that explorers made it smaller 500 years ago. These are only some of the most obvious changes. Other fundamental changes in politics and economics are not so obvious. You may notice a lot of using our overwhelming amount of knowledge badly.

Change is its own form of destruction as what existed before disappears and the new takes its place. Hindu philosophy also embraces this in the recognition of three forces: creator, preserver and destroyer. You may be on the scent of a new understanding but don't get too wrapped up in the details. Sometimes what needs to be read is between the lines.

The Mayans never said that the world would end and indeed 2012 was only the end of the 13th baktun, not the end of their calendar. The Mayan creation myth said it took 13 baktuns to create the world of men and somehow that got misinterpreted as the world of men existing for only 13 baktuns by a few idiots. 2012 has more similarities with the Christian Sunday then it does with the end of the world. The change, evolve, transition nonsense was just more new age nonsense piled onto the misinterpretations.

As I understand it, though we have leap years, the Myans didn't. Wouldn't this mean that their calendar would have finished 1250 days early; in 2009?

As for daylight saving time, that is just the time we set our clocks to, in order to increase the amount of daylight we get in the evenings. This does not alter the actual length of the day which is fixed by the rotation of the Earth on its axis and its progression along its orbit.

No. The Mayans were a primitive people who lacked the knowledge and technology we currently have. There is no 'prediction' they could have made with little more than bronze-age technology that we couldn't also do now. And we could do it better.

The Mayans did not predict the end of the world or a new age or anything else. They predicted a date when their calendar needed to be replaced. Like me predicting I'll need to buy a new calendar on 1st January 2014.

Humanists have pulled off the Greatest coupe ever

Mankind has written itself into a corner

Space is not empty, but contains minute dust partials

These particles are falling to any + all surfaces in our universe

Causes all of the orbiting bodies to fall out of orbit rather quickly

That means that there is a constant steam of these minute particles adding constantly to our mass.

This constant change in mass, of all bodies in our universe,

causes orbits of planets and moons to fall out of orbit in short time

It should be extremely obvious that our moon could not have been orbiting for millions,

let alone the billions of years needed for this evolution fairy tale to have occurred.

Humanist have pulled the greatest coupe ever,,,

They have convinced us that there is no god

At least until we humans, as the highest on their evolution scale

we are teaching our children the Humanist EVil sOLUTON

we have been seriously deceived about the humanist religion

we are paying our education system to teach our children their godless religious doctrine

we all get to learn of the big bang theory

this is the beliefs of the humanist

they believe that we are top dog

as in, we are the closest to the ones becoming gods

this is their religious beliefs

they say that there is no god

at least, not until we ourselves become gods

how could the complexity of atomic structures be formed by a big bang

Do the laws of thermodynamics still hold true

The generation, our generation that shall not pass, will pass after 2019.1.

We need to get the word of this door, and how rapidly that it is coming to pass, before the year 2020.

So, this means that Israel MUST sign the 7 year peace treaty by 2019.1,

That is why i called it my 2020 Vision, as He MUST arrive in the clouds, before the year 2020


The World Will end after 1 billions of years. So don't worry nothing will happen to the earth now.

Naw think about it the date you stated 12/21/2100 from year 2020 is another 80 years yet, and we live in an ever cahangging world and I think we really won't need any help, we are on the path to self destruction

Because of leap year the end of the world should have been Feburary 2012.

My world ends each night in bed and starts each morning, again in bed. Dream evolution happens every 24 hours.

if its really 2005 because of leap years and daylight savings, wouldn't that mean the myans were right and the in end of the world would be 12/21/20 or 12/21/21

2005 - 2013

2006 - 2014

2007 - 2015

2008 - 2016

2009 - 2017

2010 - 2018

2011 - 2019

2012 - 2020 - Doomsday

the world isnt going to end!! and even if it does.. then it does. You cant stop it, no one can if it does... so theres no point stressing about something that you cant change.

Theres no point stressing about something thats not going to happen!

Take a pill You doomsday people are really a hoot

Since time immemorial people have been predicting the end of the world, it hasn't happened yet and I don't see why it should.

I don't think it's going to end.