> Why cutting meat from your diet would help fight global warming?

Why cutting meat from your diet would help fight global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
One person cutting meat from their diet won't help. A lot of people buying less meat, means less cows will be raised and yes the cow farting is true. Farts are methane, which harm the ozone layer which contributes to global warming. Scientific fact, look it up. And the water thing, that's true too. It takes lots of water to raise a cow to butcher. Fish and chickens, much less. And I don't think they fart.

It would be a relatively small help, even if the whole world did it, but meat is a relatively inefficient way of getting calories, because of all the energy the animals use before they slaughtered, the carbon burned clearing brush and trees for pasture land, etc. A vegetable diet has a much lower "carbon footprint."

Well not a lot of difference for one person to stop. Meat eating is on the increase worldwide, especially with people China and India moving up to better lifestyles. Much of the wpr;d's rainforests are being destroyed for lumber, farming and cattle grazing. This land frequently fall vy the wayside due to over grazing so they chop down more trees for grazing.

On top of this, some of these countries already have water shortages and raising cattle is the most water consuming type of farming with cows using the most. You can ignore the cow fart guy. All the animals in the world breathing and farting is insignificant where GW is concerned

It would not.

It would only cause people to become weak and/starve to death......depending on what part of the world they lived. I have a rough time imagining nomadic people having much in the way of gardens.

It won't. Since no one has proven that there even exists AGW, this is a mute issue. Issues like this are usually dreamed up by college professors who lack intelligence but more than make up for it with imagination.

Your premise is wrong. There is no AGW.

Gas emissions from flatulent, belching cows contribute to global warming. Stop eating meat and there wont be as many cow farts making the earth hotter.......LOL

At least thats what the alarmists say!