> Who is the one person you most consider your savior from the evils of global warming?

Who is the one person you most consider your savior from the evils of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Al Gore! It used to be Osama Ben Laden but he converted over to feeding the fish. What an unselfish act!

A Global Solution of a Different Kind

The Bible foretells that in the near future, a global government will unite mankind on the basis of unselfishness rather than money or technology. It will be successful because it has the power and the mechanisms for taking global action in behalf of all mankind. Jesus Christ himself focused on this global government when he taught his followers to pray for ‘God’s Kingdom to come and for God’s will to be done on the earth.’―Matthew 6:10.

God’s Kingdom, a heavenly government in the hands of Jesus Christ, will exemplify a new global ethic, the same one that Jesus himself taught when on earth. Love of God and love of neighbor will be the guiding principles. (Matthew 22:37-39) Many prophecies in the Bible outline what this new government will do. Regarding its Ruler, Jesus Christ, the Bible promises: “He shall judge the poor with justice and defend the humble in the land with equity.” (Isaiah 11:4, The New English Bible) The rich and the powerful will not exploit the disadvantaged. Jesus will “feel sorry for the lowly one and the poor one .?.?. From oppression and from violence he will redeem their soul.”―Psalm 72:13,?14.

Environmental problems will be addressed promptly. Instead of creeping desertification, “the desert will rejoice, and flowers will bloom in the wastelands.” (Isaiah 35:1, Today’s English Version) Instead of food shortages, “there will come to be plenty of grain on the earth.”―Psalm 72:16.

I don't want to Die from Global Warming....do you?

ATLANTA (AP) ― Speaking at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta ― the church where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. preached ― U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said Monday that he will soon unveil long-planned Justice Department guidance aimed at ending racial profiling.

Media Covers Up Hate Crimes Against Whites


Warren Sharpton 2016 - Fight Global Warming By Covering Up Hate Crimes Against Whites

Homer Simpson.

Tall white guys.


Who's the one person that you see that can changes mans hearts to open up and accept global warming? What is the person who can save man from global warming, and put them back on the path of environmentalism?