> Who exactly can prevent forest fires?

Who exactly can prevent forest fires?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
That damn commercial always tells me only I can prevent them but then I heard him say the same thing to my neighbor! Is Smokeys bitchass cheating on me??????!!!!

Smokey is exactly right. That is why I pour gasoline on forests and light them on fire. That way I prevent another forest fire from hitting there for a long time.

Just doing my part.

Its for the children.

You can make a difference.


Sorry ran out of pithy platitudes.

Anyone with a brain. If loose dirt or sand was dropped on fires all dust from the dirt puts all ambers out immediately and fires as well, but the Forestry people only say their useing dirt, when their not and those in charge get paid a big fee, but dont really care whether the fires are put out right away or after everything is burnt out. They still get paid and refuse good working ideas. Mike

Hey, Raisin gets a thumbs up. I like sarcasm.

On the other hand, maybe it's "You" generic, not you personally.

Maybe it's not all that hard to understand.

Maybe your bodyisready, but your brain, on the other hand, .....

This world has lots of folks that like to complain.

I see you're one of 'em.

The good news is that I'm gonna do other stuff.

The people around you in real life however ...... sorry for them. :(

No, he's right. it's only you. So be alert because it's all your responsibility.

The rest of you reading this can just relax and go back lighting your cigarettes with road flares and throwing them out the car window.

That inconsiderate bastard telling everyone that "only you" can prevent forest fires. He said the same thing to me

yo momma


That damn commercial always tells me only I can prevent them but then I heard him say the same thing to my neighbor! Is Smokeys bitchass cheating on me??????!!!!