> Where is all the missing heat for Lake Michigan?

Where is all the missing heat for Lake Michigan?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Please - Everyone knows that the Great Lakes aren't part of the globe, so this can't be global warming. It's just weather. I have weather in my freezer. Now if the Lakes were warmer, well, that would be proof the planet was warming....

You just don't get it you idiot denier. If it is colder, it is weather. If it is warmer it is global warming.

Let me explain it to you again.

Even though crop production is rising faster than the population, AGW is going to kill all the crops and destroy us all. Why? Because good crop production in one area is caused by weather, and bad crop production in another area is caused by AGW.

Even though the number of droughts globally has not increased over the last 60 years, AGW is going to cause global drought that will destroy us all. Why? Because droughts in California are caused by AGW, whereas places that are not having droughts are caused by weather.

AGW causes hurricanes, tornadoes and many other forms of extreme weather. Though we have not been able to track any increase in frequency of these events, it is clear that bad events are caused by global warming, whereas the lack of bad events is weather.

And even though we are asking for TRILLIONS of dollars in regressive taxes, if you disagree with us, you must provide the evidence that we are wrong.

Now, idiot denier, go bang you head on the liberal wall of enlightenment (any hard surface will do) until you see the errors of your ways.

We want you to admit that you are a CO2 sinner. You have expelled CO2 and fallen short of the glory of Mother Gaia. It is OK, though. Mother Gaia has sent her son the great Al Gorithm, who preaches his algorithm for CO2 purity. Give your money to the great Algorithm so that you may be purified of your CO2 sins and become CO2 neutral and have your CO2 sins washed pure as snow.

Not surprising considering how long it was covered in ice this early spring, it is quite possible it will have an early freeze too.

Very crazy

it's called weather

only fools are fooled by that conservative blog

not global or climate. i also have ice in my freezer.
