> What don't you like about hot days?

What don't you like about hot days?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I makes me feel so uncomfortable i can't think

80 degrees or higher and i'm miserable

Everything. I grew up in the South where you could not dry off after a shower before being covered in sweat and everyday was a constant war against chiggers, ticks, mosquitoes, snakes, and countless other biting, stinging, and blood-sucking vermin.

Then I moved to the desert where from May through October the only decent time to be outside was between midnight and 5 o’clock in the morning. I hated it so much that I made the company I worked for transfer me to a city located at an elevation of 7,200 feet. I still think that it gets too hot during the summer, but it is a big improvement.

Well Jane, now that you've asked possibly the most important question ever disseminated in parallel universe a21, I must say...

I do indeed get rather perturbed when my inner holdings sweat-u-late into my garments that dwell'th underneath'th my outers...potentially forcing a mid-day shower and shift of said garments to the laundry lab in the east quarters of bedroom 12, sector 47. Life in the Kingdom is no easier than out in the waste lands populated by the laypeople. Hope your day is going well. Oh and...there is always the option of the fully air-conditioned and automated clothing line by Bret & Myers. I own several but their selection is too limited to wear daily. Toodles dear ;)

I don't like the steering wheel of my car being too hot to touch.

Otherwise, I generally like hot days--the hotter the better. I'm surprised that I've seen so many Yahoo questions complaining about the heat in the UK, because every time I check the temperatures there, it does not seem particularly hot. I wonder if the real problem is that since the UK is generally cool, your clothing is not well-adapted to warm days.

By the way, what do you consider a "hot" day there? Personally, I wouldn't consider a day hot unless it got above 96 F (35.5 C). Anything below that is just warm.

It depends. Hot days can be great if they give you an opportunity to dip in a pool. They are not so great if you have to work, dressed for construction sites, sweating under your hard hat and coveralls.

When it is hot, drink plenty of water and if possible, seek a shady location. An air conditioned shelter can also help.

I hate going to work on hot days I would rather be outside enjoying it Not getting a tan just going bright red and I also don't like all the beasties going about biteing you at every chance

I hate the muggyness of the air, i like breathing fresh crisp air, but on these very hot days the air continues to smell like sweat -__-

I hate how it makes you sweat and thirsty so quickly. The heat makes it excruciatingly hard for people who were fasting during Ramadan. Also, the constant heat sometimes makes me dizzy and sick.

The oppressive heat.

The humidity! It is not the heat that dehydrates you, it's the humidity levels.

In England it's been so hot lately and I'm just wondering what don't you like about it?

I dislike how your make up sweats off your face. How you have to peal off your clothes etc.

(some things may be included in a YouTube video, is that ok?)

I dislike what air conditioning does to my electric bill.

sometime ot and sometime cold weather is very good in seasons.

Don't go outside.