> MY QUESTION IS WHAT HAPPEN TO Gores globel warming theory?

MY QUESTION IS WHAT HAPPEN TO Gores globel warming theory?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It’s not exactly Gore’s theory of global warming. In fact, the theory pre-dates the birth of Gore by some 137 years. What Gore did was to bring the issue to the attention of a wide audience through his movie and books An Inconvenient Truth.

Neither did Gore conduct any scientific research into global warming, for his presentations he used the work of climate scientists, packed it in an easy to understand manner and presented it to the public.

The theory is still alive and well. Please bear in mind that the word ‘theory’ when used in the context of global warming, has the scientific definition as opposed to the every day definition. That is, it’s an undisputed set of hypotheses validated by observation and experiment, as opposed to a vague idea.

Some have questioned whether the theory still holds true given that there has been a period of approx 15 years with little or no observed warming of the atmosphere. This ignores the fact that emissions of ‘cooling’ agents have increased significantly and are masking the warming and that far more heat is now being transferred into, and absorbed by, the seas and oceans. All told, the amount of heat is continuing to increase.

Right now there are some people in the US who are experiencing cold weather and this is causing them to ask what has happened to global warming. What they’re experiencing is nothing more than localised weather. At the same time there are parts of the world that are unseasonably warm and taken as a whole, the average temperature of the planet hasn’t suddenly dropped.

Everyone refers to it as Gore's theory because he put a movie out projecting that theory. And this is a fair evaluation. He clearly stated in words and a graph that when the CO2 would rise this would cause a rise in the Earth's temperature. We have people on this site that adhere to that theory, and have commented as to that affect in this very question.

However, the real facts show that the Earth's temperature has fallen for over a decade, while at the same time CO2 has risen.


This unquestionably and scientifically gives proof that Al Gore is the high priest of the snake oil salesmen of the world.

Now peruse down those who answered this and you can clearly see who are the 'snake oil salesmen'.

Please learn English.

That said, did you really believe him? The earth goes through cycles of warm and cold. Gore's model only went to 1934 because that was the end of the last hot period. 1932 is still the hottest year on record. His Global Warming only works if you don't do too much research. Many scientists agree with it because that is the easiest way to gain funding.

Al Gore has nothing to do with it. He didn't develop the theory and he didn't do any of the research. He's a STRAW MAN, and nobody on either side of the scientific debate gives a damn what he says.

Global, not globel. And the globe is still warming

Gore didn't have a theory, he relied on scientists for his info. He didn't invent it he just saw the truth behind it AGW is still with us and isn't going away any time soon

Not a thing. If cold air is coming down to the USA from Canada, it does not leave a vacuum. Warmer air must be flowing north to replace it. That's why it is called a "global" warming theory.

Nothing, it's not Gore's theory. Since your question is politically motivated I can only conclude you are a right wing conspiracy theorist nut case

Stay in school, learn to write, learn to spell, learn to think.

When you graduate maybe you'll be able to answer questions like that on your own.

AlGore got rich

Don't worry, he is cashing his checks from this scam