> Is this going to be the coldest month in 'recorded history'?

Is this going to be the coldest month in 'recorded history'?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

The new Climate Change meme now is that if it's nice weather it's WEATHER and it;s LOCAL no matter how many countries are experiencing the nice weather. If it's bad weather it's CLIMATE CHANGE and it's GLOBAL even if it's occurring in only a tiny fraction of the globe.

So record cold is now due to man made climate change.

I'm also told that "Climate Change" is falsifiable. If temperatures don't go up, down or stay the same the theory will be proven false.

Actually, there is a very real chance that where I live, this will be the WARMEST January in recorded history. At my house in particular we have not fallen into the 30's even once during January (a couple of days ago our 'low' temperature was 63) and it's been as warm as 85. Other nearby towns have hit 90 this month. This is also supposed to be our rainy season, but it has been more than a month since we've had any measureable rain.

It's amazing how people are so self-involved that if it's cold (or warm) where they are, they think it's that way everywhere. People have very poor intuition about global climate, which is one of the reasons that deniers draw unsupportable conclusions based on their own erroneous perceptions.

I’ve learned something new today; namely that recorded history started in the year 2000.

Matt Rogers, president of Commodity Weather Group LLC, said: “…The cold coming for the end of January is sufficient to make this the coldest month of the century so far and the coldest the Lower 48 has felt in the last 20 years.”

We’re 13 years and one month into the century, Recorded history for the world as a whole covers the last 2,500 years, for individual countries and regions it’s even longer. The weather record for the whole of the US goes back 133 years.

How do you reconcile “the coldest month in recorded history” with “the coldest month of the century so far”. Are you seriously claiming that there is no record of anything having happened prior to the year 2000, given your track record I wouldn’t put it past you. After all, your stated age of the Earth is out by a factor of 740,000, so in context this would be quite a reasonable claim to make.

The of course, we’re talking only about the US, you’ve conveniently omitted the remaining 98% of Earth’s surface. Did you do that because in many parts of the world, including where I am, January is shaping up to be one of the warmest months on record?

Further, the reason it’s so cold in the US has been explained numerous times, which you also conveniently ignore.

The hottest recorded month in the US was July 2012, I guess this was rather inconvenient for you so you totally ignored that as well. As you did with the fact that 2012 as a whole was the warmest recorded year in the US, or that 2013 was the 4th warmest.

Strange how almost no-one used these facts to proclaim them as proof the world was warming. One could be forgiven for thinking that those who accept the climate has changed are much more rational and honest than certain sceptics.

In the USA, maybe but this is a GLOBAL warming forum, not a US warming forum I doubt even that this will be the coldest January on record for the US

"Is this going to be the coldest month in 'recorded history'?"

In what city? Define "recorded history?"

At any rate, the answer is no.

For the USA maybe. I guess it'll match the warmest year in recorded history in Australia won't it?

Perhaps, but as far as news or a buzz, there won't be much. That's only reserved for record warmth.

And if you think about it, given that we are in the warmest decade in a century or more, record cold is much more unusual than record warm.

Perhaps. But a month is 1/12th of a year, or 1/120th of a decade or 1/1200th of a century. That's a small fraction of time on which to draw a conclusion about long-term warming trends. But then, that hasn't stopped skeptics and deniers before.

Sing along with your leader, Billy, and me:

Will the weather be harsh or mild

Nobody knows nor should

Except the bloodline of Rothschild

Babylon Brotherhood

Accompanied by:

President Barry and the Fourth Dimension Birthers

On their new album from Reptilian Records

Yes, and no doubt it will be more proof of global warming, or under the new 'framing' 'climate weirding' or 'global climate disruption'. You don't want to oppose taking action to prevent global climate disruption do you?


I don't know. I do know that father john gagan screwed 715 children while the faithful denied it.

Nope, but some records have been broken.

are you going to ask questions during deadly heat waves too?

the USA is NOT the world.

Globally or locally?