> Is the IPCC planning to jack up the rhetoric?

Is the IPCC planning to jack up the rhetoric?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 


It tries to imply the 1.5 degrees was from the GHGs as if this were proved by science.

I don't know if it indicts journalists or UN bureaucrats more, but the garbage that passes as news and science is pretty sickening. The propaganda coming from these hacks is off the scale.

Yahoo News has been hammering away with "Global Warming" news also. 'Create a controversy' is an accepted policy for most news organizations. It's the biggest 'soap opera' going. :-)

I'm wondering what changes in the climate haven't ever happened before and how they know if there weren't any major typhoons in the year 1474bc that caused the death of at least 25 people?

They do that all the time. They apparently think yelling louder is valid form of argument. Stats expert Ian Jolliffe complained that Michael Mann was doing this in is reply to Steve McIntyre's paper for which Jolliffe was an expert reviewer.

Are these:

The Department of Defense



The Army War College



National Defense University, Center for Technology and National Security Policy



The Naval War College





National Intelligence Council


Thomas Jefferson ― "The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers."

Still true today, perhaps even more so.

They may have a Consensus vote without people voting .

All they have left is rhetoric, they have zero empirical evidence.


...asks the person who frequently (thinks he) quotes Goebbels.
