> Is the Earth really expanding?

Is the Earth really expanding?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
lt would be expanding if sea levels were rising because the diameter would be increasing which would in turn mean it's rotation would be slowing making days longer, .... it's not because sea level rise, as we all know is just another agw lie.

The expanding earth theory is very likely and can by viewed on youtube. The man made global warming theory is of course debunked (climate-gate)...

Yes and no, we do receive micro meteor dust, which would increase earths mass, we are also losing atmosphere to space. What additional heat?

Atmospheric oxygen is actually decreasing.


Don't be concerned about the oxygen decreasing. Oxygen is almost 21% of the atmosphere. At the rate it is being used up, it would take tens of thousands of years to be a problem. And I am sure that fossil fuels will be gone before then.

Denialists love to claim that realists are making up the threat of global warming to frighten people into paying more taxes. But it seems to me that if realists just wanted to make stuff up, we could tell people that Earth is running out of oxygen. But instead, we warn about carbon dioxide. The reason why is because realists do not sound the alarm without a scientific basis for sounding the alarm. The reduction of oxygen is too small to be a threat. And yet, global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


As a fraction of our atmosphere, by a very small amount. Not all of the oxygen being used in the combustion of hydrocarbons is being converted to atmospheric carbon dioxide. Some of it is being converted into water and some of the carbon dioxide is being absorbed by the oceans. The absolute amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere is not changing.

If it were getting bigger , we will never know , It would take way to many years to know, The Earth is always changing .

Increased oxygen and nitrogen?



Are these all signs that the earth is expanding? Could this be where the additional heat is coming from? :
