> Is it fair to use the crazy things climate skeptics say to demonstrate they are delusional nutcases?

Is it fair to use the crazy things climate skeptics say to demonstrate they are delusional nutcases?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Would you be a little scared of what you believed if all of your supporters displayed symptoms of profound mental illness?

It's fair, but don't expect them to go along with it. They seem to think it's perfectly fine to make ridiculous lies and then they support each other in their lies. I think most of them are fundamentally dishonest people with conspiracy delusions.

OK I'll play.

During nearly all of the 20th century only "delusional nutcases" believed in the outdated all permeating aether theory.

This year we confirmed the existence of the Higgs boson which could arguably also be called an aether particle/ unit of energy, ergo to the average man on the street Higgs field = aether.

Delusional nutcases? Takes one to know one!

It is just as fair as our use of what warmons say and just as irrelevant to reality. The problem is I understand there is a difference when a lay person claims they're tired of shoveling global warming off they're drive and a scientist claiming snow will soon become a thing of the past. I understand the layperson is using sarcasm and the scientist is just being plain ignorant and making alarmist claims to gain support from sheep like yourself.

I am sorry you feel this way . but your top people are not leaving this field because the are tired of the people like me . Their is just much more competition in prison . a lot of them are going their for fraud . Ask your Senator about this ,if they do respond you will not like the answers you get .This field was a lye from the start . I hunt fraud ,and have done very well .

Like ...

"Natural Climate Variability" rules the climate, especially if you believe in "evolution" and man is natural?

A 0.8C temperature rise in 150 years is catastrophic?

A 0.0112% change in the atmosphere in 150 years (the rise in CO2 concentrations) is catastrophic?


Government intervention with a political agenda?

"It's the sun stupid"?

A trace gas (CO2 - 0.04% of the atmosphere) is responsible for catastrophic warming where "not one" catastrophic occurrence has happened beyond natural capabilities?

How did you ever get to 53% on your answering accuracy with a stupid question like that? Is there a "Children's Section" here

Of course, but what type of monk are you?



You should know better then anyone. The more things change the more they stay the same.

Its only the layers of sophistication that deceives. Try to take it gracefully if that's possible.

I see, so your argument is; if people say things which I pronounce as crazy, then this means that I no longer have to provide evidence for my own crazy beliefs as they now should just be taken as correct.

Does that sum it up?

what we have here is a clear case of the logic of the deranged, it seems.

It depends. Some are indeed delusional nutcases. Especially here at YA. Some are angry geezers who somehow failed to ever learn the difference between science and lying about it. Some angry, dishonest geezers with a grudge against people with more brains than them. Some are borderline flunking out teenagers too lazy to do their own homework. Some are just bored, and looking to get a few kicks instead of getting a life. Some are dupes of trickster con artists and manipulative politicians. Some are just too stupid to ever really understand the difference between trend and variation, or between absolute and relative percentages, or between global and local, or between hundred and million.

You mean like the part where they object to the model bc it fails to make accurate predicitons?

What boundary conditions were used in deriving the current model?

Child...I've been doing numerical modeling for 17 years. So I don't think you're quite ready to step up to my plate yet. Regardless, can you answer the question or can't you?

Only IF you use the crazy things the BELIEVERS say as well to keep things fair and even.

Many are WAY overboard, ON BOTH SIDES!

Would you be a little scared of what you believed if all of your supporters displayed symptoms of profound mental illness?

Wow. I didn't realize I had supporters. I'm starting to feel verklempft

Hey, if you need to think that to get a good night's sleep, all the power to you.

I just have a large sandbox and I stick my head in the middle and I sleep fine but thanks for asking.

Since all they say is crazy, yes

provide specifics.

Why does Al Gore come to mind as a potential analogy?? ...........hmmmm.