> Easy Global Warming solution: Buckets of Ice thrown in the oceans daily?

Easy Global Warming solution: Buckets of Ice thrown in the oceans daily?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
With the polar caps melting, why doesnt everyone in the noethern cuntries just throw ice in there oceans, rivers and lakes?

And where would the ice come from?

You'll run into a conservation of energy problem. In order to make the ice, you'll need freezers. Freezers don't "create" cold, they just move heat around, burning some fuel to do it. So, you haven't reduced global warming, you've added to it, and moved some of it around.

If you're talking naturally occurring ice, then you remove the inefficiency of the freezer, but again you're not reducing warming, you're just moving it around.


Paul, I'm *simplifying*. This is Y!A, not a college physics lecture.

The ice will just melt like the rest of the poles. However, if there is enough iron ore to create a huge bucket (maybe the size of a neighborhood), that will change the situation.

"You'll run into a conservation of energy problem. In order to make the ice, you'll need freezers. Freezers don't 'create' cold, they just move heat around"

Refrigerators to not simply move heat around--conservation of energy is not conservation of heat. Energy is composed of *both* heat *and* mechanical energy. Energy is conserved, but heat increases.

Chem F, you constantly are discussing things you don't really understand.

And how much coal to you plan to burn to run the freezers that would make that much ice?

The truly sad thing is......you're serious

This isn't futurama.

I have to say I love this but past that I have no comment. I just wanted to say BRAVO!

Good idea. Then throw in the greenies. They are colder than a well digger's heart.

With the polar caps melting, why doesnt everyone in the noethern cuntries just throw ice in there oceans, rivers and lakes?