> Climate Change are western governments stupid?

Climate Change are western governments stupid?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes. CO2 is outsourced; and, with it, jobs.

The Governments are Lackeys to the Big Industries there are Alternatives clean energy options available but their was no profit in it for the Big Boys of Industry so it was Squashed Eradicated made to go away. Check out the THRIVE Documentaries on Youtube

Yes it is all about image. Some governments want to look like they care about the environment.

Face it people, the world runs on fossil fuels. If one country refuses to manufacture due to pollution, then another will just take his position and make more money off of manufacturing extra stuff.

Bullshit. Even Bachman, Perry, and Palin have not tried to sell that nonsense - but, then, they're just stupid, not insane.

They cut back on CO2 which creates rising energy costs which makes their products expensive and unable to compete, they outsource to Asian countries, and buy their products.

Isn't this just subsiding CO2 produced by China and India