> Do you think Religion really supports climate change policies when they also preach AGAINST birth control?

Do you think Religion really supports climate change policies when they also preach AGAINST birth control?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There is nothing in the bible the Quran or the torah to say that you cannot practice birth control.

Against? Christianity preaches faithfulness to one spouse and bringing children into the world responsibly within a loving family - sounds like a great birth control policy. Very much doubt birth control would make any difference to the climate though, but hey I could be wrong :)

The "experts" warned us years ago that it was a problem. Too bad we didn't listen and we are all dead now.

"Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind. We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation," - Barry Commoner Washington University Earth Day 1970

The battle to feed humanity is over. In the 1970s, the world will undergo famines. Hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. -- Paul Ehrlich - The Population Bomb (1968)

Your right , but in third world countries , if you manage to live long enough to become old , as their is no state welfare benefits you rely on your children to look after you.

If they are more likely to die young , you may feel that you need an aire and a spare , or several spares.

So if we could provide a benifits sysytem then many third world countries may reduce their family size.

To be honest, we would get along so MUCH more peacefully if all were trusting in the Lord and loving one another and doing only what God says to do. In fact, all our problems would be solved, but it's not going to happen. We know what will happen. It's in the Bible. I'm against abortion, yet don't think there is anything wrong with the "morning after pill" or bc pills, but bc pills can give a woman cancer, not likely but it's possible. As for Christians they should pray and let God guide their lives in everything and not be selfish. Many Christians are as selfish as a non-Christian and that could even lead to losing their salvation if it affects their whole life.

The plans God has for us are perfect and we must follow Jesus as he commanded.

Religion is not responsible for the increase in population specially in third world countries.

The issue of choice for me starts with the choice to have sex, the science on when a life begins is settled the debate of a woman's right to choose is really a matter of whether or not we legalize murder simply because that life began in her body. I know that makes many people uncomfortable but science isn't about making people feel comfortable with the choices they make.

Riddle: What do you call people who rely on the rhythm method of birth control? Answer below.

You can't tar all religions with the same brush. It is only a few (albeit popular and vocal ones) that fight against birth control or against "artificial" means of birth control. Luckily, there are a few countries that can support providing information about birth control to Third World countries. Unfortunately, the USA is not one of them. We can't even stem explosive population growth in our own country.

Answer to riddle: Parents.

I don't know about other religions but mine has a real problem will killing babies to control population.

In reality, overpopulation is a myth, there is no overpopulation and we are not running out of any resource.

What resource do you think we are running out of? Name one.

Overpopulation Myths



Tolemac - But I think I misread you. You don't seem to be advocating abortion but just birth control, which I do not object to.


Read Malthusian economics

Any government who cannot take care of its people, has no legitimate right to rule.

To blame number of people on the environmental problems is pure crazy. For over a decade the temperature has gone down. Yet the population has increased immensely during that same time.

Scientifically births and climate have no correlation. Trying to shift the blame on religion is insanity. Put the blame on where it belongs.

In the last 50 years, the world population has DOUBLED creating huge stresses on all our natural resources...

Yet, even though all the main Religions say they support Climate Change Policies, they're also preaching against birth control in many third world countries and denying women the essential protections of choice and freedom.

If we can't reduce the birth rate, all other climate change policies are a waste of time.

So how do we do it?

I suppose they can encourage people not to do it, after all, nobody religious can argue against it because all religions seem to hate intercourse.