> Is this considered a source of green renewable energy that the left can be proud of?

Is this considered a source of green renewable energy that the left can be proud of?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I don't look at links, you know- probable source of viruses.

Really? Are you actually using something from the telegraph as a source? Why not the Enquirer?

Wow, I've seen deniers post some sick things over the years and try and link it to AGW, but this takes the cake, it has nothing to do with the left or Obama, it is a practice used in some U.K. Hospitals and what you are posting is coming through the filter of one of the worst U.K gutter press papers.

P.S. had you bothered to check the current U.K. Government is Conservative which is the U.K. equivalent to the Republicans, a right leaning party, whoops, and they have been in power since 2010.

But I guess you being you, this will be called an ad hominem attack.

High energy costs, declining industrial competitiveness and a recognition that the economy is unlikely to rebound strongly any time soon are leading policy makers to begin easing up in their drive for more aggressive climate regulation.

So it also set national targets for adopting renewable energy.


Nope, it is just another excuse for the politically biased to post a non Global Warming related 'question' here.

Don't be stupid

What this hospital does has nothing to do with GW If they do this is is simply one hospital's policy

Only the dumbest and laziest of anti-science kooks would try to pretend that individual family decisions on cremation versus burial have the slightest relevance to climate change.

No, it isn't.

That doesn't make global warming any less real. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.



Given Obama's very public position on the issue would one reasonably conclude that he may think it's a great idea? We know in the age of global warming hysteria leftists are always dreaming up resources for renewable alternative energy to combat AGW.

Yes it's disgusting and demented as hell. That's the point. What does this kind of thing say about the mentality of the people who think up and do this crap and which political ideology is most likely to be ok with this given its history?

Let the ad hominem attacks begin even though I'm merely asking questions based on information provided.