> Different peoples opinions about Environmental change?

Different peoples opinions about Environmental change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
different people opinions about global warming and environmental change

Geo Hwk

Why do people keep saying the climate isnt changing? If it isnt changing... how do you explain the change in climate???

It may not be due to mans actions, but one way or the other it IS changing, whether naturally or not.

The change may not be permanent, but it IS currently changing.

Yes the climate may be changing, but here in the UK for the past 60 years I have noticed every year we have the wettest, driest, coldest, hottest, and windiest weather for the past so many years. This is what the news papers like to sensationalise to sell papers. Same old sensational reporting but the same old climate. I am not feeling the difference in a few tenths of a degree the scientists are claiming is as a global disaster. If we took away their expensive temperature measuring satelites the disasters would go too.

I find it Funny people tend to believe such crap as global warming. our Earth at some times in its orbit cycle may come closer to the sun than other times and this would cause temperatures to appear warmer some years more than others but by the same token when it is farther away we are having record cold seasons because we are farther from the sun. This crap we are destroying our selves is just a bunch of hoopla for some people to get rich off the stupidity of others. I am a firm believer in the Bible and it says nothing about global warming. It does mention the total destruction of the Earth but it is a result of a higher being doing what he has already told he was going to do. It also says man has the ability to alter the course by changing their actions but instead of that they are doing more to assure it will happen. Some choose to listen to other men preaching Global Warming but they refuse to listen to the teachings of the Bible. You believe who you want and I will believe who I want.

Climate change IS happening. I'm not saying we caused it, it may just be the gradual change in temperature of the earth. But we ARE speeding up the process. Evidence?

Change in rainfall patterns

Extreme weather (hurricanes, tornadoes, heatwaves, droughts, floods,...)

Rise in the average sea level (just 0.94m impacts low-lying areas)

Average Global Temperature Anomalies (AGTAs) (9 to 15 degrees Celsius)

1990-1999 had 8 out of the 10 hottest years

2000 was the warmest in the 20th century

Butterflies have been moving northwards in the past 30 years

There is no doubt that Man is changing our earths environment in many ways, mostly for the worse, ie plastic garbage, toxic waste, deforestation and so on. however increasing Co2 is not one of them, the earths climate has always changed and always will, through natural cycles.

Many times in earths history Co2 has been higher/lower than now and hotter/colder than now.

During the ordovician period the earth was in an ice age but Co2 levels were 4400ppm twelve times higher than now.

What change...?

It`s all a con.The world has been here for billions of years.

Then man comes along and suddenly it`s all "end of the world"

We may not survive ,but the world will...and I am quite happy with that.

Now off to the fridge for another beer..!!!

different people opinions about global warming and environmental change

Geo Hwk