> Will There Be A Ice Age In 2030?

Will There Be A Ice Age In 2030?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Here is clue right here from the article - "In their point of view, every 200 years the activity of the Sun temporarily weakens and emits less heat. They think that the "frosty period" can cause the average temperature of the Earth to be reduced by several degrees.". Now, if your teacher believes this always causes an ice age then have her explain why there have been no ice ages every 200 years. You may want to also point out that the last "little ice age" was regional and not global. You may also wish to inform her that any near term reduced solar activity will be offset by the anthropogenic greenhouse gases that are much higher now than as they were during the last little ice age. ... I would not be rushing out to buy an igloo manufacturing facility.

As has been mentioned, you can find almost anything on the internet. Not all of it is right. For instance, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says this: "(warming averaged for 2011 to 2030 compared to 1980 to 1999 is between +0.64°C and +0.69°C, with a range of only 0.05°C)." So they think it is going to warm up not cool down!

Also look at this link, it has an interesting pair of graphs. It is from a government site in Utah, USA: http://geology.utah.gov/surveynotes/glad...

The first graph shows the five major ice ages over the last 2.4 billion years. Notice that we are already in an ice age and have been for a few million years. That is why the Arctic and Antarctic are covered with ice. When you are in an ice age there are two main states: a glacial period when the ice moves much further south (I think this is probably what your teacher meant) and an interglacial period which are times like now. Not everyone understands these differences.

The second graph shows you when the warm and cold periods have occured in the last 450,000 years. The warm periods are when the graph is highest and that is an interglacial period. When the graph is low, it is cold and that is a glacial period.

When I was at school we always understood that the next glacial period would be along some day. After I left school I was told it was going to be soon and we were all very concerned. Then we were told that everything was going to warm up, the seas would rise and boil away!

None of those things have happened yet so I guess they don't really know exactly what will happen when. If you like science, why not plan to be a scientist and then you could find out what was going to happen?

Well first of all, the article itself states that the chances of an ice age in 2030 being strong is small, so it probably won't be too severe. If you are concerned about your family's safety, so you might want to move somewhere warm near the equator (The Bahamas?). But an ice age is a global effect, wherever you go, it'll have an impact on you.

Don't worry about it though.

No. It takes hundreds of years for an ice age to get going. Starting today, the soonest would maybe year 2300. However, the ice sheets grow slow enough that modern slow removal systems will keep the glaciers away from the cities.

Wow, well that is an interesting question and response. Seeing as we are currently in a global Ice Age (the ice caps are what are used to mark this event) and it has been receding since the last great ice age I would say that you're safe. Hell, if we're wrong about that, I'll owe you a coke.

change school. That teacher is giving you very bad science. You can look anything on the internet, including that the earth is flat.

There is no way an ice age can occur. There has never been an ice age with the current concentration of greenhouse gases. It's quite impossible,

Relax Ice ages start slowly and take thousands of years to develop, and nobody can be certain when the next one will start (it might have already started) but it should not effect you and your family.

Your tax dollars hard at work paying for an education like this. Then again Democrats are proposing resolutions that claim AWG will cause more hookers to work the street corners.

Your teacher should go back to elementary school.

The next ice age is 10-20.000 years away. The curent state of GW is projected to go beyond 2100 and likely 2200

no it will be over by then . the ice age will be from 2009 to 2021 ,

during my class my teacher told us that in 2030, there will be an ice age. we didnt believe it at first but she asked us to search it once we get home. once i got home i ran to my computer and searched about it and i found this http://bg-daily-news.eu/world/1885-we-will-get-frozen-in-2030 i was quite worried about it and kept thinking how will my family and i survive. is there a probability that there will be one in 2030?

These are just estimation and nothing is sure, we just need to work on helping environment so we wouldnt fear natural disasters

These seems to be the source of this anti-science nonsense your teacher has fed you:



No read your bible and tell your teacher to....read revelations.