> To Americans: Should we allow "Climate Refugees" to settle in the U.S.A. ?

To Americans: Should we allow "Climate Refugees" to settle in the U.S.A. ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'm not certain what island/nation you are referring to, but one so-called disappearing island nation....Tuvalu.....which claimed that industrialized nations are causing their island to disappear, was caught fabricating the whole thing in order to get big bucks from western nations.

There are a lot of folks looking for a big payday at the expense of western nation's taxpayers.

The Florida keys are also very low and we have seen ZERO evidence that these keys are going to be swamped by rising ocean levels in the next century. Ocean front homes in the keys have been there for decades, and in some cases for well over a centruy, and the water lines have not moved in any noticable fashion.

If a nation is wiped out for any reason than any nation worht anything would do what they could to help. Fabricating something based on make-beleive fears has no value or place in science.

When we see Key West get swamped due to to rising ocean levels, and we know that tectonics had nothing to do with it, then I will believe you.

I am not entirely convinced that sea levels will continue rising as suggested. I am fairly sure, though, that at some point in the future there will be another glacial period. Sea levels will fall dramatically at that time.

When the ice sheets are starting to cover the US, where will you want to move to? If you have rejected refugees now what makes you think that you will be welcome in their country later on?

As to sinking islands, please see the link. There is always more to sinking island syndrome than meets the eye.

There are no Islands threatened by sea level rise, there are some Islands of Alaska which are in danger, but they are barrier Islands which naturally erode and disappear and reform somewhere else, there are some coral atolls which have a few problems, caused mainly by bad building practices and increased tourist populations using up the groundwater.

Coral atolls are living growing entities, they rise and fall with sea level, as sea levels rise the corals grow higher, wind and wave action can break up some of this coral which gets washed ashore and raises the Island, also if you look at an Island with a blindingly white sand beach, it is amazing but true that all that white sand was caused by the humble parrot fish (google it)

Yes. Obama made a campaign promise to slow the rise of the oceans. If he fails then the climate refugees ought to live in his house with him.

As usual, Kano is wrong. - http://www.businessinsider.com/islands-t...

Some of these island nations are already making plans to locate to other areas on their own, as the link above tells evidence of this. As sea level rise becomes more severe it will not just be island nations that must relocate their population. What we do, as a society, in order to help with the relocation of these people has yet to be determined and most likely will not be determined until we face are own problems of relocation. All of our major sea ports and naval ports will themselves come under attack from rising sea levels along with the populations that live near them. The question will remain as to if we would have the resources available to help even if there was a popular consensus to do so. Adaptation will prove much more costly than mitigation would have when it would have had a chance to prove more effective.

No. If they can't find a way to overcome nature then they should die. That is part of natural selection. If you are too inferior to succeed on your own they you shouldn't be passing down your inferior genes to the next generation. The human species will not advance if we keep letting worthless people contribute to its gene pool.

If they are educated and civilized there's a good chance. If they insist on living like animals and killing each other/their neighbors off, then no.

NOOOOOOOO! Everyone who wants to live in seattle ends up living in tacoma and i hate when people come down here and complain about tacoma because we dont have as much as seattle

I'm Canadian. So my answer is that climate refugees should be allowed to settle in Canada. My big concern, houever, is what will happen when climate refugees start coming from coastal areas of the U. S. I suspect that there will be lot's of shooting when that happens.

I heard a story about a tiny Island/Nation that gained independence from the UK several years ago that was being threatened by rising sea levels. It seems that every time a peak high tide occurs it almost engulfs the entire island because its highest point is only 12 feet above sea level now.

So, my Question: Should we allow "Climate Refugees" to settle in the U.S.A. ?

This would also have to include moving and resettlement assistance. I think we should help , but not take responsibility for the problem since Climate Change is a sore spot here .(Especially for OIL Companies and Coal burning Power Companies who seem to be spending tons of money on anti- Climate Change advertising .

Not for a hoax

no let them swim