> Why do we have to change at the next exit?

Why do we have to change at the next exit?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Sometimes, change is inevitable. The last exit was under construction... destruction going on.

The next exit seems a little more easy to negotiate.

The sign says changes. Changes at next exit.

Most times we have no choice. And if that is the direction that you are heading into then it definitely applies to you. Not to take the exit when you can leaves one coming up for a lot of unnecessary do overs.

That exit leads to the broad and spacious route!

You aren't allowed in candyland anymore. Use your head

Depends on where you wish to disembark.

Go with God always.

Change what?

Oh, come on! You don't want me to do ALL the driving, do you?

It is the only way you can get there.