> What career path should i take? Love nature, Natural things, Climate, the Ocean?

What career path should i take? Love nature, Natural things, Climate, the Ocean?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Sounds like you are a prime candidate to become James Hansen's lackey.

My father was a climatologist and you have to be strong in math and statistics and meteorology to go into that. But that combination sounds great if you feel you are have the skills to do it.

Why don't u study biology and physics and be a cameraman that's adventurous and U will be doing stuff u like as we'll!?xx

Join BAS.

Proper job.


Maybe a marine biologist...

Hello im 24 and thinking of starting something that i really want to do. I have no qualifications so going to have to start from gcses but that doesnt bother me. I want a job that i really love but not quite sure what that would be?

Recently i have been looking into a lot of Oceanography and climatology.

I still dont fully grasp the full meaning of these subjects but understand some of it :/ I have always had an interest in the earth and its nature.

I like adventure, sounds silly but when you see pictures of people in the artic or antartica performing experiments and things like that, i would love it even though im not quite sure what they are doing. I love the ocean aswell. And nature in general.

I have a small family so i sadly cant be going and working away all the time. Sounds very fussy but is there anything that anybody know that would suit me? Obviously i would work away from home but not on a regular basis. Thank you soo much for replys in advance :)