> Why do the deniers lie and say that the average yearly sea level around islands like Tuvalu is not rising?

Why do the deniers lie and say that the average yearly sea level around islands like Tuvalu is not rising?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It hasn't been higher in recent history....


grapphicconception (never was a username more appropriate as in this case) just cherry-picked his very own starting-points to get a negative trend line:

See my answer here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?...


This is sweet! Grapphicconception has picked a Best Answer but not before responding to my reply. He writes "The time series was short and it showed a sea level rise. I have just shortened it some more and shown a fall."

So he admits he cherry-picked the available data yet appears totally unaware of just how unscientific this is. And he picked as Best Answer someone who appears to be equally naive: "So here [graphicconception] is showing that a shorter period shows a falling trend vs a longer period with a rising trend, so clearly the loss of sea level is accelerating.

Mind boggling how these people get through every day life.

Gringo: Yes, and I removed the bit about "deniers" lying from the question as well.

Graphic Conception is an anagram, by the way.

The only reason I created my question was because I could not answer here.

OK. I can see you are not very bright so I will explain it slowly.

1. I see this question about deniers lying and sea levels around Tuvalu.

2. I can't remember any "deniers" mentioning that here - whether lying or not.

3. The timescale of the original graph is short.

4. By eye, I could see that while the graph had an overall positive trend I noticed that the most recent dates did not.

5. I plotted the data from 2000 to see.

6. As I have been on the Advanced Professorial Excel Trend Line Fitting course, unlike Phil Jones, I managed this myself.

7. I tried to post a reply here but could not. Whether I was temporarily banned or Answers was playing up I know not.

8. The graph made the point that if anyone had said that the sea level round Tuvalu was falling then there was some data, presented in the original question, that supported that view.

9. Consequently, there was no need to mention anything about "deniers" lying in the question.

10. Of interest might be the fact that the sea level flat lining matches up to the surface temperature flat lining.

11. I can do rude and condescending just as well as you.

12. To coin a phrase: "Mind boggling how these people get through every day life."

Climate change is of a concern in Tuvalu since the average height of the atolls is less than 2 metres (6.6 ft) above sea level, with the highest point of one of the islands being about 4.6 metres (15 ft) above sea level. Tuvalu could be one of the first nations to experience the effects of sea level rise.[1] Not only could parts of the island be flooded but the rising saltwater table could also destroy deep rooted food crops such as coconut, pulaka, and taro

That is what deniers do. They deny.

We do need data from before 1994.

Because reality doesn't fit their nice "It's not warming, and if it is, warming is good" narrative.

It's what they do, it's like a reflex

It hasn't been higher in recent history....
