> Why are the global warming kooks trying to remake the climate change issue into an economic issue?

Why are the global warming kooks trying to remake the climate change issue into an economic issue?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Anything to distract from the facts on the ground --- like the fact that the world is NOT warming. Alarmists are desperate, they will employ any kind of nonsense to try and push their agenda forward.

A complete list of things said to be caused by global warming:


Did you know that Global Warming killed the Loch Ness Monster? (sad hun? - no word on Godzilla)


How about the poor polar bears who's penis sizes are shrinking because of Global Warming (pollution). I wonder how many researchers they lost getting those measurements.


Global Warming is said to be hurting the brothel industry.



Because scary predictions about New York City flooding and monster hurricanes aren't scaring people any more. It's time to change tactics and try to scare people into thinking Global Climate Change will impact their food supply and their wealth.

The ironic part is radically cutting CO2 emissions will itself destroy the economy. Just ask Portugal.

I thought it has always been about making money for scientists and Al Gore??

Seriously though, it could perhaps be something to do with the Stern Report. A economist who looked at the costs associated with climate change (this was when governments started taking notice, because finally it went from being purely an environmental issue to an economic issue).

Consider what the climate influences ... crops, tourism, lifestyles, where people live, what businesses people carry out, transport and utility infrastructure, livestock, health risks, forests, wild fires, water usage, etc. etc. All these bring money in, and take money out of the economy. To not consider the economic risks of climate change would be negligent and ignorant by any government.

Always has and always will be a political issue. Can't push an agenda forward without being able to finance it. They have to have "insiders" around every corner and under every rock to succeed. Fortunately, they eventually get caught in their web of scientific nonsense. It's up to honest and humble people to keep the pressure on them.

Look what is happening with the IRS. Lois Lerner got nailed with her total deceit, but it has taken over 20 years to expose her agenda.

People are buried in every aspect of our Government who manipulate data in every way possible and use "political cover" to keep their secrets ongoing. How many months has the IRS scandal been going on? Guess what? Environmental Climate Science has been doing this since day 1!

Because in one yahoo article there might be more 95 degree days in summer . Big deal . Its a cash and Power grab

It *is* an economic issue, at least to the extent that economics influence our behavior re: fossil fuels. It is also a social issue (ditto), and a political issue (ditto, plus political fights over the best way to respond to the problem).

Any scientific issue will have elements of politics, economics, et cetera involved, at least in what our *response* to the issue is, if the issue involves something that significantly touches our everyday lives.


Because temperatures are not rising.

Extreme weather is not increasing

Crops are not failing

Ice extent is not decreasing

Sea levels are just slowly creeping up (nothing dangerous)

So they are trying to pin it on some mythical economic problem, I cannot even see how warming can damage the economy, I would have thought it was the opposite, like the cold US winter this year has.

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