> Should we work to end all climate change?

Should we work to end all climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
And bring the planet back to a static climate like it was here on Earth before man arrived?

YOU work to end climate change. I'M going to keep on barbecuing, driving my car, eating meat, and maybe I'll burn a few tires just for the fun of it. :)

If you think you are more powerful than nature then go ahead. Sounds like a waste of time to me...

So fires happen on this planet, without human involvement. Does that mean we ignore human created fires?

Nope. Just what we cause in such a short time that it messes with Mother Nature, and makes it hard for us to grow food.

you can't, the planet regulates itself with or without humans.

Straw man argument.

And bring the planet back to a static climate like it was here on Earth before man arrived?