> Does past tolerance of Holocaust denial relate to criminalization of it in Europe, and to AGW denial?

Does past tolerance of Holocaust denial relate to criminalization of it in Europe, and to AGW denial?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
They cannot be jailed in America because that would be a Freedom of Religion issue. Although petroleum industry executives are the brains behind the anti-AGW movement, its real power comes from the quasi-religious and anti-science political ideology shared by Deniers of both biological and climate science.

Here is the Preamble to: “An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming” published by the Cornwall Alliance For The Stewardship Of Creation (note: they are the ones who capitalized the F, T, and O in For, The, and Of – not me).

“As governments consider policies to fight alleged man-made global warming, evangelical leaders have a responsibility to be well informed, and then to speak out. A Renewed Call to Truth, Prudence, and Protection of the Poor: An Evangelical Examination of the Theology, Science, and Economics of Global Warming demonstrates that many of these proposed policies would destroy jobs and impose trillions of dollars in costs to achieve no net benefits. They could be implemented only by enormous and dangerous expansion of government control over private life. Worst of all, by raising energy prices and hindering economic development, they would slow or stop the rise of the world’s poor out of poverty and so condemn millions to premature death.”


It is no coincidence that the main points outlined in the Preamble are the mantra of AGW Deniers on Y!A and everywhere.


>>if Europeans had not turned such a blind eye to fascism and anti-semitism in the 1920s and '30s, would the Holocaust of the 1940s have even happened?<<

You are giving them – and America - an excuse they do not deserve. They did not turn a blind eye to either. At best, they did not care; in reality, western civilization has always had a certain fondness for both dictators and prejudice. The west loves dictators – as long as they do what we tell them to do – and much of western history can be explained by narcissistic beliefs of genetic, moral, cultural, and religious superiority.

Hitler could have killed every Jew in Europe without causing WWII. In fact, he would have been allowed to keep France as a reward (or maybe some would have been considered that punishment). America would not have cared, either. As it was, Roosevelt had to drag conservatives into the war kicking-and-screaming. No one would have cared if Hussein had invaded Jordan instead of Kuwait – and Batista, the Somozas, Papa Doc Duvalier, Noriega, Diem, Botha, Shah Pahlavi, Pinochet, and Mr. and Mrs. Marcos, etc., all had their own sweet deals.

They cannot be jailed in America because that would be a Freedom of Religion issue. Although petroleum industry executives are the brains behind the anti-AGW movement, its real power comes from the quasi-religious and anti-science political ideology shared by Deniers of both biological and climate science.

Holocaust denial is denying that something that really happened happened.

Global warming denial is not actually the denial that the earth wormed from the late 1970s to about the turn of the century but denial of the ludicrous claim that a gas that was at below average atmospheric concentrations when every Ice Age ended and above average atmospheric concentrations when every thermal maximum ended is causing the observed warming.

The only connection between global warming denial and holocaust denial was made be global warming denialists. The global warming denialists want us to think "holocaust denial" whenever we hear "denial" to stifle us.

And as Mark Twain said, denial is a river in Egypt.

No worries soon they will gas the non believers. Rothschild controlled both movements so it will have the same end game. The Holocaust was so the Rothschild's could create their own country with their own intelligence network(the evil MOSSAD). AGW is to create the Rothschild World Government and bank......also the world army to keep the "peace".

In western countries, denial of the Holocaust has long been politically incorrect. This is a far different situation from denial of science, to which nearly half of the U.S. Congress has now adhered for some years. http://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/How-GOP-became-party-of-denial-on-warming-4469641.php Despite the absurd deceits of anti-science bloggers copy-pasted mindlessly by their dupes on YA http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20140314012120AATvV6F there is zero likelihood of any science deniers "being sent to prison" for that denial in any democracy. But prison sentences (and fines) have been imposed in some democratic European countries where Holocaust denial is now legally prohibited by law. That, however, begs the question: if Europeans had not turned such a blind eye to fascism and anti-semitism in the 1920s and '30s, would the Holocaust of the 1940s have even happened?