> If renewable energy is the answer, why is France planning to cut energy usage?

If renewable energy is the answer, why is France planning to cut energy usage?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I am sure they expect the peons to cut. Not the elite. They will go on flying in their spewing jets and keeping their mansions toasty while the peons pony up and freeze.

Quote by Maurice Strong, a wealthy elitist and primary power behind UN throne, and large CO2 producer: "Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable."

Notice he targets the "affluent middle class"? Tsk. Tsk. How much clearer can you get? The rich get richer and the poor get poorer!

The warmers are well-aware that solar and wind cannot provide the needed power. They like to pretend that if the consumption is reduced, these two will provide the needed power, but they know this is not true.

The problem is that the libs are against nuclear. Mostly because they are ignorant about nuclear power and most anything dealing with true environmentalism. They are simply trying to find another way to tax and grow the gov't. They care nothing about the environment. It is jsut political for them.

Because they do not have nuclear and thus do not have a real workable solution, they have to play shell games and confuse people. This is also why they make AGW into a global apocalypse.

Their ideas and their entire ideology is SO STUPID that sane people would never accept such stupid plans. So they need to scare-monger and lie, so that the average person is not thinking rationally when they offer their pathetically inadequate and wholly stupid "solutions".

Note that they claim their opponents are "anti-science" as they attempt to reduce the power to a point of restricting use of science and the inventions that have come out of science. It is of interest that under the free market that they detest, comes the most scientific invention of the past 100 years. Science has prospered more than any time before 1900 COMBINED!!! All due to the free market and the "anti-science" people supporting free market.

THeir lies are jsut TOO easy to spot. They actually say stupid things like the churhc is against science. Were it not for the RCC, all knowledge from the Greek and Roman times would ahve been lost. The RCC HEAVILY funded science. Indeed the father of nearly every branch of science was employed by the RCC. But don't let truth get in the way of making a political point.

Yes, but the total energy amount is also dropping by 50%.

So is that a 2/3 cut in nuclear?

For clarity: Currently some 75% of France’s total power consumption comes from nuclear fission, by 2035 they want to reduce this to 50%.

France has 58 nuclear power stations and so about 20 of them would need to be taken offline. These are early generation power stations and many of them are due to be decommissioned in the next few years; no viable power plants would need to be mothballed.

France is not planning to cut energy usage.

Following the Fukushima disaster in 2011, Japan shut down all nuclear power stations without incident. The country continued to function perfectly well because it has a diverse range of energy production upon which it was able to rely.

France is in a similar position in that it can generate more power than it needs and can therefore shut down power stations and still keep the lights on.

However, unlike Japan, France is very reliant on a single source of energy. It now wants to diversify and increase generation from a range of alternatives including wind and solar.

As the old nuclear stations are decommissioned they will be replaced by alternative fuels, electricity generation will continue to keep abreast of demand.

>> Not clear if this is 50% of the current number, or 50% of the final number, which is 50% of the current number.<<

It is not a problem of the policy being unclear --

It is a reduction of Frances; total output from 75% to 50% by 2025, Also, a 40% reduction in carbon emission compared to 1990 by 2030.

-- it is a problem of you - like all Deniers - talking shlt without knowing anything and without caring that you do not know anything.

it not

New plan from Minister Royal calls for a cut of 50% in energy usage.

Also calls for a cut in nuclear energy, from 75% of total to 50%. Not clear if this is 50% of the current number, or 50% of the final number, which is 50% of the current number.

Have the French revealed the Green religious agenda of cutting energy use?