> When are we going to wake up?

When are we going to wake up?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I am sure the warmers will ignore your point or downplay.


Death rate via extreme weather are on a severe decline. We are now looking at 28,000 yearly.

Now lets look at other causes:


Poor nutrition cause 3.1 million children to die a year.


3.4 million die each year due to unclean water.


4 million die each year due to not having access to electricity and using solids like dung to cook their food.

Now the simple question I would have for the warmers is when we can expect that the lives saved by farm use, electricity and clean water are going to be outweighed by the lives lost to AGW??? You can pretend that this has nothing to do with AGW, but greener groups are preventing 3rd world nations from having coal power plants.

Also, how much money is currently being raised for global warming? That money is coming from somewhere. How much impact would the billions of dollars used for AGW were used to build infrastructure for third wolrd nations?

I have made the same point here a few times now.

Most sensible people when looking at a list of problems will try and fix the most important ones first. Business people use the Pareto Principle or the 80-20 Rule. (As in, 80% of the problem is from 20% of the causes.) Even climate scientists use principal components to separate data with high variance from data with low variance. After that the low values can often be ignored.

In the larger climate world, however, it is as if people have just picked a subject area at random and are dead set on pursuing it.

There are real people suffering real deaths in the less developed countries. They are not just creatures you see on the news following some disaster. They have children, brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers just like everyone else.

One problem with Africa is that the modern world decided to make it look small on the maps. In fact it is bigger than the USA and China, and Europe and India and Japan all rolled together. Population density is about 80 people per square mile - less than a tenth that of Japan - so I am not convinced by the over population argument.

There are cultural problems. Some regions are still very tribal. Wars seem to be fairly constant and despotic tyrants still exist. Other countries like South Africa, for instance, have quite prosperous areas.

We spend a billion dollars a day on climate. I accept that doing good by throwing money is not always the best idea but I feel we could do a lot more.

Do you really understand how other Governments around the World treat and deprive their own citizens? Sensationalistic media publications are a bigger problem. They print a story or present a paper, yet you never read about how or what they are doing anything about the problem that they have uncovered. They don't even offer a solution that would require their own involvement. They only find a reason to blame humans for depriving or causing other human's grief or despair.

A typical liberally biased paper. It's easy to point a finger at someone, but when you do that, there are 3 fingers pointing right back at you.

Try looking at places like Afghanistan, Nigeria, Somalia, Libya, Syria, etc... and look how these Governments treat their own citizens. They act as if they "own" them. Your "bleeding-heart" story would be more understandable and compelling if your "story teller" would expose all of the reasons of why children are in perilous situations all over the globe. It's not because of Climate Change/Global Warming!!!!

Must be "evolution" kicking into high gear.

>In my mind, "interventions" means clean drinking water, safe (refrigerated) food and non-indoor-polluting cooking facilities. And the current best and proven way to do that is inexpensive fossil fuels.>

Energy =/= fossil fuels. And in warmer temperatures, refrigerators have to work harder.

Seems that there are a couple things here.

- I think you're implying that we should stop spending money on global warming, and spend it on drinking water, or food for those who need it.

OR, we could stop spending as much on the military and spend it on drinking water.

OR, we could stop spending as much on the VA and spend it on drinking water.

The real problem in politics is how to divide the available pie appropriately.

Also, how to increase that pie (taxes) when there really isn't enough to go around.

An awful lot of folks see a problem and think we need to address it, and worry about everything else later. You can't do that. You really do have to take care of everything.

I'll agree that we -- the world -- needs to do more, in many areas. However that does not mean that we ignore other stuff that needs doing as well.

Edit: Here's what we get from the AGW denial group:

Jim Z" "It is interesting that you will not get an alarmist, even one of the self proclaimed climate scientists, admitting that the models were wrong."

Maybe that's because the models are not wrong.

Sagebrush: "I sleep at night because I know that God is in control, not any man."

Hey, not our fault. That's the problem with some religious groups. "We're our brother's keeper" doesn't apply to them. It's just words that they ignore.

Raisin Caine: "Poor nutrition cause 3.1 million children to die a year. 3.4 million die each year due to unclean water. 4 million die each year due to not having access to electricity and using solids like dung to cook their food."

There's all these other problems, (that we won't let congress do anything about) so obviously there's no money, or sympathy, to spend on global warming.

Zippi62: "Try looking at places like Afghanistan, Nigeria, Somalia, Libya, Syria, etc".

Hey go fix all those places then get back to me on global warming.

Lots of excuses and no action.

That's their plan for running the country.


It is interesting that you will not get an alarmist, even one of the self proclaimed climate scientists, admitting that the models were wrong.


I am not a big fan of government imposed energy and other technological "improvements". That said, it is certainly true that alarmists don't seem to care how much their so called "solutions" cost and they certainly aren't looking out for the poor yet if you listen to them, they have a monopoly on compassion for the poor. It seems to me they are often hell bent on keeping them poor because that is the obvious consequence of their "solutions".

We have it good in our modern conveniences and we survive in far greater numbers than did our great grandparents. It seems immoral and hypocritical to me to tell people in developing countries that they cannot have those things because those who do have those things are trying to save the planet.

>>In my mind, "interventions" means clean drinking water, safe (refrigerated) food and non-indoor-polluting cooking facilities. And the current best and proven way to do that is inexpensive fossil fuels. <<

It is not a best and proven way because it does not exist. Those people suffer and die precisely because they do not have access to the energy you suggest – and if they have not gotten it by now, how do you propose they do get it? Who is going to supply the energy – not to mention the infrastructure and housing improvements that also would be needed?

Offering a solution that is not possible is not a solution..

Ottawa, I don't think you are ever going to wake up. Here's a hint, dude: I pay my electric bill, AND my gas bill AND my phone bill AND my federal tax bill AND my state tax bill AND my local tax bill AND I buy food to eat AND I buy clothes to wear, AND I drive my car AND I pay insurance on my car AND my house AND myself AND... AND ... AND...

I feel truly sorry for you deniers who are only capable of doing one thing, which is obviously talking about reality in non-factual terms.


Since no one else called you on this, Ottawa, let me point out that human-caused global warming is affecting us NOW. It is not merely a problem "for the future" - a little scam your side likes to run - but has been affecting us for some time now. I call you on your "misleading" statement.

For those who try the God will protect us from all our follies line because "it's all in God's hands anyway", let me point out this little fact. That Egyptian co-pilot who deliberately crashed the passenger plane he was flying said the same thing after he forced it into the fatal dive, just before the plane hit. Please don't try to hide your sins against humanity behind religion.

People won't wake up. Your concern for the environment is great, and since obviously no one will wake up, you're better off improving your own life by devoting yourself to God so you need not spend time in a land of temporary waste.

Personally, my international donations are to international food development and education programs: GiveDirectly and Heifer International. Our family scholarship provides funds for medical students who will devote time in impoverished parts of the world in order to improve conditions there. This is in contrast to my local giving which is to conservation concerns (though not Sierra Club) and my personal time which goes to 4-H youth development.

I also vote for those who share my cooperative concern for people of the world. You will note that uber-conservatives who attack science regarding climate change are also those who are absolutely opposed to international aid. These are the kooks who think the United Nations' attempts to help peoples who need help are an attempt at world domination. These paranoid kooks think that international aid is "Marxist".

That said, the economics in developing countries is an entirely different issue from climate change, and there is no reason to choose just one way to improve the lives of humanity. The economic problems in other countries are generated primarily and initially by their own histories, development and wars. It is difficult for developed western nations to improve conditions that are caused by different cultures. Much of the problems with childhood mortality is driven by over-population which is in turn driven by culture and religion. The developed western nations have halted native population growth but cannot change the cultures in other regions. There is only so much we can do, though we try. Those cultures will have to solve their own cultural problems.

Climate change is different in that the problems within a nation are not created by that nation. It is a problem with some countries creating problems for other countries, analogous to someone upstream spoiling your water. Climate Change requires international cooperation because it is caused by international narcism.

Personally I put some of my wealth to helping children internationally and some of my time teaching children locally. You are opposed to helping anybody anytime. How can YOU sleep at night?

I just read a report that was really quite eye opening. It surrounds this general thought:

"...with global warming we are discussing the possibility that there will be a problem in the future…" http://www.thegwpf.org/content/uploads/2014/06/Tony-Kelly.pdf

But let's look at right now. From the WHO:

"6.6 million children under the age of five died in 2012. More than half of these early child deaths are due to conditions that could be prevented or treated with access to simple, affordable interventions." http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs178/en/

In my mind, "interventions" means clean drinking water, safe (refrigerated) food and non-indoor-polluting cooking facilities. And the current best and proven way to do that is inexpensive fossil fuels.

Now there are those of you who will see GWPF and immediately dismiss all these facts and stick your head back under the rock you crawled out from. Or your ivory tower. Or your air-conditioned living room. Or your subsided electric car.

My real question is: How do you sleep at night?

I sleep at night because I know that God is in control, not any man.
