> If you could made one change in your city what wouls it be?

If you could made one change in your city what wouls it be?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I would move it to Amsterdam.

Sorry can't name just one....

Spell check for incoming YA questions.

For road construction to be complete and non-existance for once (just once....I know, I know we will always need it, but can a brother get at least 1 month off!? Is that too much to ask.).

For the population of our city to have some actual pride and rid themselves of their affliction of never ending inferiority complex.

Less BMWs and MBs driven like assholes by 20 something mullahs that work at bakeries, gas stations, or donut shops and still live with their family.

More actual bars. Less of these trumped up chain "gastropubs" with 5000 flatscreens and drafts that cost $5.50.

Some of those people at the corner of major intersections panhandling. Some of these ******* have more money going through their palms in a week than I make in a month. This is fact. And I've seen the same guy - THE same guy doing the same gig 50 miles away in another city. There are actually some ligitimate people out there that need the help. These assholes are running a scam.

More road and place signs in English. Really hard to find my way around without a guide.

Otherwise I love it, quiet, a train station [just one, although a HSR one is on the books...soon] Great roads usually not too much traffic, hundreds of restaurants, we're getting a second supermarket by the end of the year, Nice people, Fresh air, mountain views next to a fantastic national park with elephants and some say tigers, and monkeys and snakes [ some of them even come to the house]. Gothic, French, Spanish, Scifi, futuristic architecture...even teepees and Chuck wagons! You name it is in the district. Several modern art galleries and museums. All this with not much more than 50,000 full time residents.

I would like to replace the mayor of my city with myself.

Get rid of all the corrupt, venal politicians!

Stop handing out welfare cheques?

No more lying.