> Who is this weirdo?

Who is this weirdo?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Bj?rk is a weird singer/musician in Iceland. Icelanders don't really give a crap about her, but foreigners love her and claim that she's normal to us (Icelanders) and that we adore her.

Bjork er s?ngvari. Eina weirdo hér er tér eins spurningunni tinni (ef ?rugglega er tae spurning) gerir ekkert vit af neinu tagi.

She is an actress/singer

Your name is Kenneth apparently.

The icelandic Bjork polluted weather from Iceland.

As if a cooking, Bjork made weather crazy with chemical.

In Iceland, Bjork was during a weather experiment on the land.

As if a cooking is forcast, the weather is crazy, and the sea is polluted.

As a result, the very first tornedo is happened, and earthquake and Tsunami is happened.

How is Bjork from you?