> What would happen if we found out Global warming was just a hoax????

What would happen if we found out Global warming was just a hoax????

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well global warming is technically a measurable trend in the annual average global temperature. The evidence collected by many sources shows this as FACT.

So assuming you are questioning whether human influences are having a net effect. If it was a hoax we'd have to question who really runs the world (as only a very powerful secret organisation could perpetuate such a hoax). Remember the most profitable businesses in the world are fossil fuel based (so either they'd have to be in on it, or some secret society looking to take power away from them).

A more likely scenario is that a "better" explanation of the global warming trend is understood (maybe some natural cycle or parameter as yet not understood by us). This however, would not prove it a hoax or anything, it would simply be the basics of science. That is, as our understanding improves so does our science.

What would happen if we found out Global warming was just a hoax?

What would be the purpose of such a hoax? How could someone convince 90% of the world's most intelligent people to agree to spread a hoax of any kind let alone something as important as this.

We have. The earth has frustrated all greenie predictions, yet the politics juggernauts go on as though it was true. You can see many people on here who are in a junkie like self denial. Just look at Peggy, "I'm alright, it you who is insane." Ha! Ha! If only these miscreants would look in a mirror and face reality. But in truth, it is awfully hard to look in a mirror when one has his nose up Al Gore's rearend.

Quote by Chris Folland of UK Meteorological Office: “The data don't matter. We're not basing our recommendations [for reductions in carbon dioxide emissions] upon the data. We're basing them upon the climate models.”

Ha! Ha! It is the Earth stupid, not climate models.

It IS a hoax, a ponzi scheme basically that many people have bought in to. Only the "deniers" think man-made global climate change is real. They live in a false reality and believe what they are spoonfed.

CO2 does not have a "direct effect" on temperatures as the environmentalist climate zealots are claiming. Justifying "Climate Science" under the guise of "Dangerous CO2 warming! (the runaway effect)" was debunked years ago. Climate Clowns like Al Gore are being defunded (Ha! Ha! AlGorezeera finally caught up to his clownish beliefs that sucked many of the environmentalist wacko's beliefs down with him).

The reality of the "physics" will eventually catch up to them and they will be sucking their thumbs and will need "bankies" to help them feel more secure about how wrong their science was. The word "preponderance" will indelibly be etched into their "bad word" dictionary. They will then be "forced" to prove their science beyond a reasonable doubt before they will be trusted in making "proclamations" ever again.

"Reality. What a concept!" (Thanks Robin Williams! You were mostly a funny guy!)

It is as the Arctic ice sheet expanded by 5 million square in in 2 years or so I heard.

If it's a hoax, they let's celebrate.

But it is true!

Then we can happily drive SUVs with such crappy gas mileage that we spend more on gas than on our mortgages and have accidents in our pants every time the toilets back up at nuclear power plants.

Well it is most definitely not...so that will never happen. Trust me I wish it was all a big joke

It would forever tarnish the reputation of scientists, and that just might happen.

all of the religious cults would get 1000 years of rapture to fight over which paradise to attend.

sure.. probably the same thing if we found out gravity does not exist.

then I'd assume that industry had bought out reality and God took bribes.

It would be strong proof that you were insane, because it's not.


then a new dark age has really begun