> Does President Obama have a plan to offset global cooling?

Does President Obama have a plan to offset global cooling?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes he does. He has ordered his staff to schedule even more trips on Air force One to play golf.

There is no global cooling. The "big" increase in Arctic sea ice is because of the seasons.


But if it were to cool, the best plan would be to leave some hydrocarbon fuels in the ground in case we may really need them.

Wow, great references: a cherry picked ice extent, A BBC news report, and a late report.

He doesn't have a plan to take out the trash. Since there is no global cooling, it won't be needed tho. Could be worse, Romney might have won the last election, then where would we be?

He's watching it very closely. Translated that means, "I'm stalling you to see which way the political wind blows. This always works. I stalled in Benghazi and stiffed Hillary into taking the blame. Then I gave her a medal to get her back in good faith. Stalling is good. If things go wrong I can get real indignant and blame Bush!"

As y'all love to say, "climate change is natural- get over it."

The globe is not cooling. So, no. There is no plan.

What BS. One year is not climate and you're ignoring thickness amd total volume.

Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29% in a year

533,000 more square miles of ocean covered with ice than in 2012

BBC reported in 2007 global warming would leave Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013

Publication of UN climate change report suggesting global warming caused by humans pushed back to later this month

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2415191/And-global-COOLING-Return-Arctic-ice-cap-grows-29-year.html#ixzz3CR2JKWIt

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