> Is this the start of a mini ice age?

Is this the start of a mini ice age?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I too am skeptical but Grungo suggests there is no evidence. Really. The sun seems to be on a cooling phase.


I know it is kind of a KoolAid antidote and so it tends to make alarmist's heads spin, but the historic "mini ice ages" correlated with sunspots more than CO2. A cooling would be far more harmful than warming IMO, again based on history, not someone's manipulated model.

Mini ice ages lasts typically some 300 years.

When one looks at the data of global temperature variations for that time frame (or even longer), there is not one shred of evidence for a 'mini ice age'. Quite the contrary, as the data (from different measurements, using different techniques, etc.) all unequivocally show the earth to be warming.

So why a self-labelled skeptic would hype a breitbart.com article whose single source for the 'mini ice age' claim is a China based sun-spot aficionado with no scientific background whatsoever, is beyond me.

It's possible. This is why global warming "scientists" use qualifiers like "may", "could", "likely", "probably", in all their scientific research papers. This is why they also give odds that their guesses are right. 97% is one number thrown around a lot. This number is high enough to give the impression that it's almost 100%, but there's always room to say that this time the 3% was correct. So it's saying that 97% of scientists have proven that another ice age could happen in our lifetime. A lot of words that say nothing

Why isn't this a tip-off to you that Breitbart is a garbage site? You do realize that this may well be the warmest year on record, don't you?

Why is it that people can't recognise that global warming does NOT mean higher temperatures? Temperature is a measure of how much heat (energy) that something has absorbed, to start with, and a small rise in average temperature means that there is much more energy in the global weather systems, and hence wider variations in things like rainfall, snowfall, temperatures and so on.

Never trust reporters with non-tangible information -- they will always screw it up!

there's no such thing as a mini ice age

without some greenhouse effect the earth would be in a constant ice age.

deniers lose again

Two things about whether this is the start of a min ice age;

1) Everything last thing published on brietbart is unadulterated BS.

2) 'nuff said

Sure, what is decades of data against one cold winter, in one small part of the world?


"I am a bit skeptical myself".

Then why did you post this bit of sheer idiocy?


