> Now that Republicans have taken control of Congress, should they cut all funding for man-made Global Warming, since ther

Now that Republicans have taken control of Congress, should they cut all funding for man-made Global Warming, since ther

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
They should have done that a long time ago. But then, Al Gore, George Soros, Maurice Strong and a host of other crooks couldn't get as rich and powerful as they have. So I won't hold my breath. It still will be politics as usual. Mark my words.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda. Unfortunately, establishment Repubes want to keep the gravy train flowing to DC so I doubt that but they aren't so tied down by the big green mafia so at least maybe we will have some more reasonable energy policies but I am pretty skeptical of that too. Time will tell. With Obummer in office, it will be pretty hard to get anything meaningful passed and BO has never met a law he didn't think he was above.

They should just state that global warming is real, end all funding of researching to discover if it's man made or not, and use the extra money to fund loan guarantees to build more carbon free nuclear power plants.

They should, and it was proposed before. However, this is a policy priority for Obama, as many of the recipients are Obama donors.

Well I would like to see them de-power the EPA which is just another power hungry beaurocracy, and cut subsidies for wind power and solar.

As long as they put the money toward balancing the budget, securing the border, or dealing with this Ebola Fuster-Cluck. I'm good with it.

Yes, and find housing for 13,000 homeless veterans too. Perhaps, they could place a vet in your house, eh?

Ya don’t read much, do ya.