> Is it true that people who want AGW are those who want to feel powerful compared to nature whereas people who do not wan

Is it true that people who want AGW are those who want to feel powerful compared to nature whereas people who do not wan

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
worship nature and feel puny compared to nature?

What do you mean by wanting AGW?

Belief that we are puny compared to nature would only be humble if we had evidence that we were puny compared to nation. For denialists to claim to know more than scientists is the height of arrogance.

If there were a race of giants, would you want them to be so humble that they think that they couldn't hurt you if they stepped on you?

I suppose we could pretend that a world view is based on desire, in its essence. I don't think it is, but we could. What I am saying is that simply because a person thinks that mankind is trivial and cannot be causing the impacts that are being claimed, or thinks that man CAN cause such impacts, is not really a question of desire.

Of course, it is equally possible for a person to have those views because they want to believe man is trivial or that man is powerful. I don't think that is the driving force for most people, is all. Yet I am sure there are some people who have those motives.

Yes, it is true. This is true for the first part of your question, at the very least. The very same people that want AGW are the ones that want to exploit the Arctic region for its resources. The fossil fuel industries are already gearing up to exploit the Arctic as the long term trend has it become more and more ice free. The fossil fuel industries do not only feel powerful with their persistent lobbying efforts to manipulate legislation that more favors their control over us, but also with their feeling that they can control nature to their short term advantage. The fossil fuel industries have control over the economy of the world through the manipulation of the prices of its products and even in our use of their products. As fossil fuel prices rise it greatly influences the cost of nearly every other sector of the world economies. We have already witnessed the high cost of the barrel begin to collapse the economies of the world and the lower cost of the barrel begin to strengthen nearly all other sectors of the world economy. The fossil fuel industries currently own us. The junkies have now met with their dealer. Along with the fossil fuel industries that favor AGW are the mining and shipping industries that also want to take advantage of an ice free Arctic region.

The second part of your question is possibly partially true. The largest segment of the population that want to curtail AGW are the people that hold a sense of responsibility to our planet, its finite resources, bio diversity and to our future generations. These are the people that think ahead for the benefit of this planet, our only home, and not for the short term profits mentality of those that wish to strip this planet of all of its resources now for the false sense of what they consider to be their creature comforts.

Feel puny compared to nature if you want, personally I don't.

Most of the tiny fraction of people who actually WANT more global warming (suppliers of hurricane shelters, companies genetically engineering drought-resistance plants, fossil fuel companies with plans to drill the Arctic, etc), probably don't care one way or another about nature.

Who are these people that "want" AGW? Are you talking about deniers?

Who wants AGW? No offense but I don't understand your question. Could you please edit it to make your meaning clear?


worship nature and feel puny compared to nature?