> Al Gore Said North Pole Would Be Completely Melted This Year… Guess Not, Huh?

Al Gore Said North Pole Would Be Completely Melted This Year… Guess Not, Huh?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Isn't this equivalent to inciting a riot?

The funny thing is that Algore works very closely with Jimmy Hansen, and nothing Algore says isn't cleared with the good doctor first.

Believers who make silly comments like "it's going to get warmer" should first prove they are right by stating what they believe the climate will be like in 6 month intervals for the next 20 years. If they prove to be right, then we'll believe the garbage they say.

You are figuring out that Gore is a lying sack of shiit only in it for the money. He bought a multimillion dollar place a year or two back that was on land HE predicted would be underwater by now, seems even he doesn't believe himself.

He actually said ice free at some point this year, and the year is not over, BUT you are right that it looks highly doubtful that this will occur in 2015.

But don't you see? the heat is a tricky little nymph that is hiding from the scientists. Soon that tricky little nymph will jump up and bite us and then we will have massive warming. Or some such nonsense.

He didn't say that at all, but deniers need to lie to advance their cause, don't they? It's so much easier to make your case if you don't have to equivocal, and just lie lie lie.


Isn't this equivalent to inciting a riot?