> Is "global warming" happening right before our eyes?

Is "global warming" happening right before our eyes?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
but the change is so subtitle that it can't be observed or even measured? The change is so subdued that it's like it's not even happening at all?


0.87 degrees in 353 years

Yes, right before our eyes if you are at least 353 years old. And a whole whopping bone chilling catastrophic 0.87 degrees at that! Wow! That should scare the pants off anybody!

Not sure if it is subtitle, probably more likely so subtle that it is not observable to the naked eye. The changes are definitely measurable, more so now than anytime in the past (e.g. satellites). The significance of the changes could be disputed, i.e. what is a significant change? what degree of change will create risks? what will this change impact (environmental, social or economic)?

Regionally changes can be observed (and have been measured). For example where I live over the last 40 years the average annual rainfall has decreased by around 20% (if memory serves me correctly). A unusually 'high' rainfall year in the last 20 years is on par only with long-term averages. All the lowest years have been in the last 20 years. This has signficant implications for water, as the majority of our water is from aquifers, which are deeper now than 20 years ago. This is because recharge is largely related to rainfall here. Are these changes caused by anthropogenic influences? (well aquifers have withdrawal issues too, so a change in the rainfall is not the only effect). Similarly the eastern Jarrah forests have been reported to be in decline, and this is largely attributed to declining rainfall as harvesting has ceased in these areas (due to the concern).

The examples I have given above are observable and measurable effects (however you would need to be able to quantify the relationship between aquifer depths and rainfall to understand that link). However, you could observe the change in the eastern Jarrah forest health and extent (again you'd need some scientific understanding to be able to find the reason for this change).

So I guess we can actually observe the changes, if we can identify the reason for these changes as climate change however would require some scientific understanding and some measurements to justify (support) our conclusions that we observed.

Yes, it is happening now and it is so slow and subtle that you can't "see" it. You can measure it, if you take lots of measurements over many decades, and then apply statistical tests to the data to see if it is random or showing a trend. So basically it is invisible to people who do not try hard to see it, and definitely invisible to people who try hard NOT to see it. Even hundreds of years from now people won't be able to see it. They will just think that is the way the world is. Historical records of times when the ice at the north pole never melted even in summer will just seem like quaint old stories, but who cares really since now it does and that is just how it is. Humanity will have adapted.

The discussion we should be having today is what is cheaper, adapting to the change, or preventing the change. Instead the argument is if there is even a change, or is it our fault, or can we even do anything about it.

No it is not, it was just a cycle, and now we are heading for the other part of the cycle 'cooling'

What are you talking about? Global warming has been measured, and there is nothing subdued about it. Summer ice in the Arctic Ocean is rapidly disappearing. The Arctic ocean is expected to be completely free of ice within a few decades. The West Antarctic ice sheet is also rapidly melting. So is the ice sheet covering Greenland. There's nothing subdued about any of this.

No You cant see , feel it , or touch it .

Its like Dark matter

Nope, only in the imaginations of the globalists...and some of the more extreme Greenies.

but the change is so subtitle that it can't be observed or even measured? The change is so subdued that it's like it's not even happening at all?