> Imagine what the world be like without global warming?

Imagine what the world be like without global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You may sa aaay I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the wo oorld will be as one!

The world without global warming would be very amusing.You could visit the places where there are so many trees and comparitively more cool wind than the places with less trees.But if the things go on like as they are now,one day we won't be able to go out of house.But to stop we should spread awareness and plant as much as trees as we can.

You asked a nice question friend,I would love to feel that feeling as you told,maybe that time,transports will be using hydrogen or something to run,

If it wasn't for global warming -- Chicago would still be under a mile of ice.

Fortunately Cro Magnon people learned how to make fire -- the smoke from their campsites melted the glaciers.

Without global warming the first effect will cause to weather. uncertain changes may cause.

Do you mean the warming which hasn't happened for 16 years or the 1 degree increase in the previous 150 years ?

Pretty much the same as it is now, I would have thought.

Cold, dry, huge tracts of deserts, the human population would all live near the tropical belts, all the rest would be ice and deserts.

I imagine it would be like how it was when I was child... which is about the same as it is now.

No life , a snowball Earth .

Yes, you don't have to imagine. You are living it.

Much cooler, less asthma and respiratory diseases. More ice, more polar bears,penguins seals,etc.

0.01 degrees C cooler than it was a century ago and the glaciers 50 feet closer to Chicago than a century ago.

healthy children and adul everywhere, fresh air, rich biodiversity

Better than it is now